Chapter 32

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Eternity's P.O.V.

There was a banging at my door. I thought it was apart of my dream. Nope. I slowly opened my eyes. Hissing alittle at the sudden light. I stretched and rubbed my eyes.

*knock knock knock*

I sighed. Putting a shirt over my tank top and then sweats.

"Who is it ?!"


"Give me a second!"

I don't trust him fully. So he's not coming into my room. I put my hair in a bun. Walked towards the door and opened it. Walked out and closed it behind me.


"We have a date."

"Why so early?"

"It's a training date!"

"Oh, cool. I'm going to get proper cloths on."

I turned around and walked into my room. Closing the door. Then locked it to be safe. I threw on leggings and a red bunny hug and converses. I but my hair in a bun and made my way downstairs. I choose a hunting knife as a weapon.

As I was out the door my father stopped me. He picked me up and made eye level with me.

"I want you to be careful. I'll be watching form a distance. Your uncles will be coming."



I nodded and he put me down. My uncles are coming over. I'm meeting them today. I'm scared and nervous. I walked towards the doors.

I walked towards Sam. He was starring at something. Then quickly looked away. I noticed he was wearing a tuxedo. Hmm. It looked great.

"So. Are we going to the field?"

"Yes. Will your father be joining?"

Should I tell him the truth or not.

"Um..not sure. Let's get going."

I begin walking to the field. Sam trail behind but soon catches up. We walked side by side. He started getting really close to me. Then he starts lifting his arm. I'm assuming he's gonna hold me. I'm not ready for that.

"Let's race! First one there gets to choose what the loser gets." I blurted out and started sprinting.

"What?....fine." Sam says. And I here him trailing behind.

While I was running, I almost tripped three times. Goodness. I noticed my speed increased.

'Perks of being the daughter of the great slenderman.'

I think to myself.

The face was close. But I'm thinking Sam is letting me win...

We got there and surprising, Sam won. He beat me by a inch. Cool.

He was breathing hard and bent over catching his breath.

"You......are...faster than.....i...i...thought!" He breathed out.

I was also out of breath. Took my time to answer.

"Ya. same to you. so you won."

Sam looked at me and smiled.

"Later." he said with a low chuckle.


Weird, oh well. At least I can train.

"Well, let's start training. Kinda need it."

"Did you do any lessons?"

"Um ya. boxing, karate, and other things."

"Oh ok."

He loosened his tie and went into position.



I had a feeling I was being watch. Not only by my father, but someone else. I should keep an eye on it. And Sam. Sadly.

Filler chapter!
Sorry for the wait. I had this done for awhile. I just reread. Change a few things. Well half of it. And ta-dah!!!!

Y'all might have to wait again. Depends.

Love y'all. ~sky!

Ps. Look at the batman car!!! I love it and want it!!!!

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