Chapter 30

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It was getting late. I stayed out longer. I sat there and stared at the forest ahead of me. It's beautiful.


I heard behind me and I turn around. It's Sam. I smile and he comes beside.

"What are you starring at?" He asked.

"My forest." I reply.

"Your forest? I believe it's called slender woods for a reason."

"Ya well, I'm a slender being too. So it is also my woods."

We both laugh alittle. I felt so calm. I'm usually tensed, but I'm calm. It feels good.



"Can I ask something?"

"Go ahead."

Before Sam could say anything we hear aloud boom in the woods. I jump alittle and we look. Searching for anything.

"What was that?" I whispered.

"I don't know. Get your father."

I ran inside to the dining room. Not there. Then I ran to his office. Not there. I ran into his room. He was changing his shirts.

"Never realized you were all muscle." I say randomly.

He just chuckled.

"Ok anyway. Me and Sam!"


"Sam and I."


"Ugh. Sam and I were outside and then we heard a boom type sound."

"How close?"

"Ugh, two miles."

He teleported I'm assumed outside. He forgot his shirt. I looked for a white dress shirt. Found one. Then I grabbed a coat. And a red tie I always liked. I ran outside to see him standing there. Searching.

I waited until he calmed abit. I walked behind him and tapped his back. He turned and looked down at me.

"Uhh, you forgot your upper body cloths sir." I said.

He chuckled and again. And his cloths teleported on his body.

"Thank you child."

He placed his hand on my head and i smiled.

"Ok, it was a warning. Meaning someone is coming. Im thinking they are targeting us."

My father said. I listened and a thought appeared in my mind.

'What if they are coming for me?...'

"I won't let that happen my child."

I look up at him and smile. I held his hand tight.

After a few searches, everyone came back to the mansion. I sat outside again. Forgetting what had happened.

Sam came back and sat beside me on the steps.

"What were you gonna say before All this happened?"

"Uh, nothing."

"Come on Sam, please!?"

"It's nothing. Doesn't matter."

"It matters. Don't say it now, it will forever haunt you."

He thought about it and sighed.

"Ok, I know this is a little early but...can...would you like to go out on a date with me?."

Uhh, what? A creepypasta just asked me out on a date! The first. I thought about it. Well, it might be fun.

"I would like to Sam."

I yawned. It's getting really late now. I have training with eyeless tomorrow. Hoodie switched out.

I looked at Sam. He was smiling. I never really noticed what he was wearing. A hoodie with dress pants and dress shoes. I could see a dress shirt and tie. Why a hoodie thou?

"Well I'm tired. I'll see you in the morning Sam."

"Goodnight eternity."

I headed upstairs and into my room. Then I had a random urge to punch through my wall. I didn't hesitate and punched through the wall. After a minute passed by. My hand started hurt.

I have been getting these weird urges lately.

I climbed into bed ignoring everything that had happened today. I just need to rest. Deal with everything tomorrow.


Hey. Hope y'all like it. This is another filler chapter to the main events. :)

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