Chapter 36

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I sat there shocked. After getting my answers. I couldn't believe it. I wasn't suppose to 'change' until I was 18. But it happened earlier.

I examined my hands. I like how they look.

"Are you ok?" My father asked.

'Ya, also one more question.'


'When will I change back? Will I stay like this forever?'

"No, we aren't sure when. But we are hoping soon."

I nodded. I felt tired.

'Im going to the living room.'

My father just nodded. I walked to the living room. BEN was playing video games.

'Been awhile since I talked to the pastas.'

I sat on the couch. Behind BEN. He was sitting on the floor. Playing a new mortal combat game. I didn't recognize masky playing with him.

I felt bad. For leaving them. Not making anytime for them. I just been caught up with me own things.

"Hey." I said.

My voice must have startled them. Because they jumped and looked behind them. At me.

"Oh hey eternity." BEN said.

"You look different. You sound different."

"Uhh, ya. What do you guys think?"

"It's cool. Super scary." BEN said.

I looked at masky. He was just starring at me. He wasn't blinking. By the look of his eyes. Something was on his mind. God I missed him.


"Oh...uh. Looks cool....i it."


I smiled. Well, at least I think I did.

"Ya, add some blood dripping from your mouth. And a kick ass outfit. A cool phrase. And you'd be set."

I giggled at BEN. They continued playin and I watched. After awhile. Jeff plopped beside me.

"Hey...holy shit eternity?"

I nodded.

"Fuck you scared me. You looked regular from behind. Until I looked at your face. My god." He put his hand on his chest. "you really look like your daddy now." he laughed.

"So?" I responded cheekily.

"Have you killed someone yet?" He asked. Totally ignoring my respond.

"No. Not at all."

"When do you plan on doing that?"


"You wanna follow in your fathers footsteps do ya?"

I nodded.

"Well, training is one thing. But killing is a whole new level."


"Your father killed millions. And you...killed zero."


"So tonight." He stood up and got all our attention. BEN, masky, me and now hoodie entering the room.

"We are going to take you for your first killing spree."


"Alright? I can't tell your expression because you have no face. Come on. Give me something."

I breathed.

"Come on eternity. You'll enjoy it." Masky said.

Hmm. Should I?

"Come on. The feeling of killing should be normal to you. Your the daughter of a crazy murderer. Once you do it once. Your hooked."
Jeff said.


They all fist bumped. Excited. There's a couple places I wanna hit up. Get some revenge. First. Some bitches from school. And SAMs place.

Just to get alittle revenge. After hearing about his little plan with Zalgo. I might want to visit his family.

I already feel a urge to kill. And I love it.

"So let's make a plan. Which houses you wanna hit up?"

After two hours of talking an planning. We are all ready. My father doesn't know. I think. But I'm excited.

I go to my room and try decide an outfit. I decided on black skinny jeans. And red Cons. I just put on a white tanktop and a red hoodie over. I let my hair out. I look in the mirror. It'll have to do.

I walk downstairs and go to the kitchen. Grab a water.

"Now how do I drink this? Normally?"

I opened my mouth hearing the same sound of skin ripping. It doesn't hurt at all.

I bring the bottle to my mouth. I noticed I didn't have lips.

'Now how am I going to do the Kylie Jenner lip challenge?' I giggled at my self.

I just decided to pour the water in my mouth. I tilted my head all the way back and poured the water. I never realized how dry my mouth was. I ended up pouring the whole bottle in my mouth.

Yum. Water tastes good all of the sudden. I heard a chuckle. I turned around and saw. Eyeless.

"That looked like a struggle."

"It was."

He jumped alittle at my voice. Is it that scary?

"You looked awesome. A lot like your father."


I put the cap back on the bottle. And placed it on the counter.

"I heard jeff is taking you for your first killing spree." He said.

"Uh. Ya. He is. Kinda nervous because...its jeff. And because it's my first time."

"Ya. Some of us felt that way. Some of us did it out of pure anger and hate. Loneliness. But I hope it's thrilling for you."

I felt sad for that first part.

"Are you gonna come along? Your running low on kidneys." I said.

He checked in the freezer to see I was right. He looked at me and closed it.

"Ya. Might as well. See your first victim."

I felt happy. Now we have a group going. There would be a lot of murders tonight.

We walked to the living room. Jeff, masky, hoodie, and BEN were watching tv. Looking excited.

The crime rate has gone down. But after tonight. It would go through the ceiling.

Jeff looked at me. Smiling.


I took a breath and nodded.

"Ready. Let's go."

As we were walking out the door. I heard my father say good luck. I turned and see him standing there.

He nodded. I smiled again. I was about to turn and start walking when he dropped a box infront of me.

I picked it up and was about to open it when he started pushing me outside.

"Go. Before it's too late. Be safe. Watch out for cops and stay on your toes. Who knows who will be out."

I nodded and made my way to the group. Still laughing I waved bye and we were on out way.



Boom. Update. I don't have much to say but. Hoped you liked it. Comment. Like. Add to your reading list and stuff.
Bye Tators.

Ps. I was going to update two chapters. But I feel like you all waited too long. So. Hope you like.

Give me your feedback. :D

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