Chapter 48

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I woke up in my own bed. I looked at the roof. Not moving. Until I sighed.

"Your awake." A familiar voice said.

I looked to my right. Sam was standing at the window. Where the hell was he. He looked different. He looked more demonic since last time. I sat up. Stretched and stood.


"Sorry I just got up and left. I had...uh...something came up."

I nodded. Not buying his answer.

"You look different. It's a nice change."

"Same to you. What are you doing in my room?"

"Came to check up on you. Heard you finally met Zalgo. How'd that go?"

"What do you think? I'm pissed at him. He said a week. That was what a day. Couple hours? Either it was a warning for his arrival. Or he couldn't wait to see me."

"Let's go for a walk."

"Can't. Don't think My father would let me."

He just looked out the window. Something is on his mind.

"What's the matter? Something bothering you?" I ask taking a step towards him.

"I have something to tell you. But you wouldn't be happy.,." He said with guilt and sadness laced in his voice.

I raised an eyebrow and waited for him to speak.

"I...uhh. I....cant say it!" He tried.

"Just say it Sam. I don't have all day." I say sternly.

He looks me in the eyes. So much emotion his eyes held. He looks out the window and sighs. He them turns his body towards me. Giving me his full attention.

"Eternity. I really like you. When I first met you. I..I don't know what happened to me. I just fell for you. But deep down inside. I knew we couldn't be together. There's something else I have been keeping from you, your father and, the proxies."

I was shocked. He just told me he liked me. What?! Before I could respond he continued.

"I am currently working under...Zalgo. I was suppose to spy on you an get details and loads of other stuff."

Shocked again. But soon anger takes over.
"What..." I say through gritted teeth.

"Listen. Once I met you I didn't want to betray you. I wanted to join you. But Zalgo found out and the wanted me to come back. I didn't want you to get hurt. So I went back."

I was angry. He can say all the sappy things in the world. I wouldn't  t care.

"You have 10 seconds to run. Before I kill you." I threaten through gritted teeth.

"I'm sorry eternity I-"








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