Chapter 4

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'Knock, knock, knock, knock...'

"I'm up....up.." mumbling into my pillow.

"Lunch is ready! Come and eat." Mom says as she comes in and sits on the bed. "Come on. Im not gonna let you stay in bed any longer." She lightly slaps my back and gets up. I watch her leave the room.

Burying my face back into the pillow, I sigh. She was never a 'normal' mom. She's very strange like me. Although, she has these sinister like moments. I blame her childhood.

Dropping the subject all together I slowly sit up. Then, slowly getting off the bed to my personal bathroom. Taking one good look at myself, I just smile. 'Ew, I look absolutely horrible.'

Taking a washcloth, I keep handy beside the sink, and soak it in cold water. Then taking the cloth to rest it on my eyes. This should help with the puffiness and redness from crying. Then I fix myself alittle more so I look casual.

Plan on going out for a walk later. Don't need to be looking like a monster.

I make my way out of my room and down the stairs. Not feeling so chirpy anymore. Walking past the living room and into the dining room. But as soon as I reach the table, I get a eerie feeling. A feeling like someone's watching me.

Retracing my steps, I follow my instinct. When I feel the feeling at its strongest I take a look around. The source is in the living room. After not seeing anything, I just shrug my shoulders to myself.

'Has that dream really messed me up? Or is something really happening?'

Just when I was about to leave, a figure in the window catches my attention. Startling me, I jump back and trip over the rug. Landing on the floor with a thump. I look up in pain and see the figure still standing straight across from me.

He wore a black jacket. And I think black pants as well. Like black skinny jeans. I looked at his face, he was wearing a mask. A blue mask. With black circles for eyes. They looked like they were bleeding.

'What in the actual fuck? What is this dude doing at my window?'

We kept starring at each other. I got up slowly and walked towards the living room window. He didn't move. He just watched. I was now at the window, and only a windrow was separating us. We just starred at each other. My breathing was uneven and I didn't know what to say or do.

"Eternity? Where are you? Come and eat already!" My mother called from the kitchen. I slowly started to back up. He did the same. I turned and walked straight into the dining room.

"" My voice was shaky. I'm sweating again and the heaviness of fear is weighing down on me again.

"Yes?" She serves two plates. Her back is facing me.

"There was a guy at the window..he wore a blue mask. He was looking into a window. I think we should call the cops. He might be dangerous." I quickly squealed out. My body was on full alert again.

'Geez, I don't know how much more my body can take.'

Still not facing me, she stays quiet.

"Mom? What has been going on with you? We can be in danger and here you are ignoring the danger." I start to get angry.

"Honey, please, can you calm down and wait? It's hard enough being away, and keeping all this information from you is very difficult. Please! Things are going to change. I know it's a lot and I've kept you in the dark for so long. Please! Time and patience is all I ask of you." She pleads to me while tearing up. Half way through her speech, she turned to face me.

"Mom. I don't understand." My voice only came out in a whisper.

"Trust me." I'm in shock. Trust her? Is she really crazy? I've been going through some scary phase for the past couple months! I can't sleep like a normal person. I can go for days without eating! I have this unnatural ability to sense things. My dreams are dark and terrifying.

"What are you? What did you do to me? What are you talking about? Mom! I'm freaking out! Ive been dealing with some strange stuff for a couple months! It's taking a huge toll on my mental health! I can't calm down! I'm literally in fear 24/7!" I couldn't finish what I had to say. I was starting to tear up too.

"That's enough. I need to be alone." She rubs her temples and walks straight past me.

Again. Again she leaves me to deal with this shit alone. I slowly sunk to the floor and regained myself. We never fought. We never questioned each other.

"What the hell is happening in this house! What is wrong with us!" I spoke loudly. Knowing my mom would ground me for cursing and hear me.

After 20 minutes of just relaxing on the floor, I decide to skip lunch. Deciding to take my walk earlier than planned. Getting up and heading to my room for my shoes and an extra jacket. I pass my mom's room. The door was closed and there was talking.

'Odd. Have I upset her that much?'

Hearing a male voice, I contemplate on ease dropping. Tv or phone call?

I just walked out of the house mad. I began walking down the street when I seen a park. No kids were playing it or...around it.

So I just walked over thee and sat on the swings.

Let me tell you about this town a little. It's surrounded by trees. Lots of trees. Like a forest. And let's see, lots of murders here. So your not safe. Little crime. It's a big town. But If you live in a big big city. You'll find it small. Not a lot of people like going out during the night. It's like lock down at 9pm to 7am. But not for me and my mom. I'm just not aloud out. That's all I guess.

It has been like a hour of just me sitting here thinking. Until someone sat in the swing next to me. It was a guy. He wore black shoes and black skinny jeans. Also a white hoodie. That's all I seen in the corner of my eye.

I turned my head slowly and I was frozen where I was.

"W..who are you?..."


Another cliff hanger. Two more chapters done. I'm proud because these are long chapters.

I hope you enjoyed this.

And here's a song I listened to while writing this chapter.

_Hollywood Undead: Pour Me_

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