Chapter 64

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I'm currently laying in bed. Watching Dio sleep. I sigh and sit up. Going towards the door. I look back and leave the room. Heading straight to the kitchen.

When I reach the kitchen. My mother looks at me sadly. It's been a week with Dio. Well, almost. It's 11:38pm. I've spent time with him. He's also spent time with everyone else. I've been telling him he will be living with his father soon, and that I will try and visit as much as I am loud to.

He's a smart kid. He knows what happened. I believe he understands why I did things and why he has to leave. He doesn't want to leave me. But he has too. He told me he's been watching over me. Seeing the soul that I have takin from him. I asked him if he visited his father and he said no. He's always been with me. He tells me 'I stay close to you because your my mommy.' And it always warms my heart.

"Dio leaves tomorrow. You will take him. And no going through portals. Only the one that leads to Zalgo."

"I know. I'm just sad he's leaving me. I'm gonna miss him." I say sadly.

"He's going to be ok. I wonder how he will look when he's older. He will be braking hearts."

I laugh. Nodding, I agree with her. He's already a good lookin baby. But that still doesn't mean he will be handsome.we will have to wait and see.

"You should sleep. You need it for tomorrow. I mean the energy."

I nod and walk back to my room. Changing into some shorts and a tank top. I walk to my bed seeing Dio sprawled out in the middle. Taking I seat, I look at Dio. Then I flip him over on his belly. Also moving him over so I have room to lay down.after lying down and getting comfy. I grab Dio and pull him close to me. Savouring the moment I have with him.


"Momma, I'm hungry. Wake up momma!"

I slowly open my eyes. Seeing Dio infront of my face. He smiles and grabs my cheek.

"Hungry momma."

"Ok I'm up. Let's go downstairs and make breakfast." I smile.

I'm not use to being called ''momma'. Or waking up this early to tend to someone. Or having a responsibility. But I won't trade anything for it. I sit up and stretch. I pick up Dio and head to the kitchen.

"What do you suggest to eat this morning?" I ask.


I stop and look at him. I swear this kid can be sarcastic. And straight up. I shake my head and smile.

"I meant what kind of food. And I mean human food."


"Think breakfast food my child." I say while placing him on the kitchen counter.

"Wafflets and eggies" Dio says excitingly.

"Wafflets and eggies it is. But are you sure you meant waffles and eggs?" I say while gathering ingredients.

"Just make the food momma." He says in a tone that means he isn't putting up with my shit.

I will admit, it's like he has two different people inside of him. He can be the most straight up, professional type of person, from a regular toddler.

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