Chapter 17

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There was a silence. After that. My heart started beating faster. I was getting scared and worried. I looked at my mom. She looked mad starring at the enemy's.

"No. We would never do that." My mom said.

"You wouldn't want to make Zaora mad." Jane said twirling her knife.

"Zaora can suck this dick."

I looked to see who said that. Ben. I was giggling. My dad took a little glance at me. He had a little smile. Then went serious.

"Well, let's begin!"

Jane, ticci, Lj came running towards me an my father. My father out me down and harshly pushed me into the house and slammed the doors shut.

"Umm oww! You literally shoved me. Making me slide across the floor." I mumbled getting up.

I need to find a weapon. To protect myself. I need to find a hiding place. I ran to the kitchen and pulled out a knife. I Went down a hallway and went into a office type room. Filled with books, a tall desk and chair, papers and, two chairs facing the desk.

"Must be my fathers.."

Then I heard janes voice calling for me. I quickly hit the door and hid under the desk. I heard her walking towards the room. I probably shouldn't have slammed the door.

"Eternity!!! where are you! Zaora just wants to meet you little child. Hahaha!"

The door flew open. I flinched.

"Found you!"

With that i was pulled out from under the desk. I just gasped and kicked around.

"Ugh! let go of me!" I said

"No way honey. We want to meet you."

I managed to brake free from her grip. I grabbed her knife and and ran out the door. I ran out of the hallway and into the dining room towards the front door. Then I got tackled. Jane and me were wrestling. Knives in hand. Who's gonna spill there blood first. She rolled on top of me and smiled. I made a disgusted face and quickly slashed her face. I kicked her in the stomach and got up. Blood started seeping out of the cut. Then came running towards her. I was going to do something which I wished I would never do in my life. As she came closer to me I readied my knife. Then lunged at her. All went quiet inside. I twisted the knife which was in her stomach. Blood slowly came out of her mouth. I pushed her to the ground.

" Eternity"

I just stared at her. I dropped the knife. And backed away. I opened the door and no one was outside. But in a distant field. They were all fighting. I looked foreword and I began to run home. I knew my house was only five miles away. The town was five miles away. I didn't stop running. I didn't want to. I was pushing my limits. After five miles of running at full sprint. I made it home. I quickly went inside. Locked all doors and windows. I was exhausted. I walked up the stairs and straight to my room. I fell flat on my bed and drifted off to sleep. I knew it wasn't a great idea to leave. But I did. It wasn't a safe idea either. I'll deal with it tomorrow.



Haha awesome. Y'all like the picture?

Not the best chapter. But it's good.

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