Chapter 52

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I wake up in the same room. I must have blacked out. I close my eyes and sigh. I start to feel my body wake up. I open my eyes again and once again feel a arm around me. I look down and realize.

"Zalgo! What the fuck?!?!" I scream.

He shoots up and falls off the bed. Taking the blankets with him. I squeal and grab a sheet to cover myself. I stand up holding the sheet tighter around my body.

"Eternity, I'm sorry-"

"Bull shit you fucker!"


"No! I do not want to listen to what you have to say! Not after what you did!"

"You gave in and didn't stop it. So it's on you too."

"Don't. You. Dare."

"I had to eternity."

"You had too? I call BS!"

"Let me explain."

"You pretty much raped me! Wait until my father finds out! He's gonna torture your ass!"

"Eternity! Your making this harder than it needs to be!"

"What if I get pregnant?"

"Um...that's what I was aiming for.." He mumbled.


"You wouldn't marry me so why not carry my child?"

"That's worse Zalgo!! I hate you so much!" I jumped at him. Forgetting the lack of clothes. I manage to tackle him and get in a few good hits. Until I feel someone pull me off of him.

"Stop! Both of you! Eternity get dressed." It was Lucifer.

Clothes were shoved into my arms and Entity lead me to the washroom. I got dressed. And entity lead me to a office. Lucifer and Zalgo were the only ones in there. I took a seat and glared at Zalgo.

Hoping he got the message. He avoided eye contact with me. Lucifer walked over to me and kneeled infront if me. He was almost eye level. I had to lower my head a tad.

"Since both of you are strong and powerful beings. Meaning that if Zalgo did get you pregnant. The child will grow faster than humans. If the child survives or not will be hard to tell."

As he was telling me this information I was fuming. Angry.

"I hope I am not pregnant." I confess.

"The time of a regular child is nine months. If you are indeed pregnant. No longer than six or seven months."

I gasp. I really hope I'm not pregnant.

"How long will it take to find out if I'm pregnant or not?" I ask desperately.

"A week or two. We have a doctor here. So we can check in a week. If nothing than we will check in another week. To be sure."

I look at Zalgo. I could tell he isn't happy about me not wanting a child. If I do have a child. It won't survive. I was lucky enough because my mother was human. It still doesn't make sense to me why I was able to live.

I glare at Zalgo and look at the ground. I hope my father takes a week or two to find me. I don't want him to know my currant situation. I need time.

"I'll take you to your own room." Entity says.

I nod and stand up. As soon as we leave the office and the door shuts. Entity grabs my hand and leads me up the stairs. So far, he's my favourite. He takes me to a room. It was way different than the mansion. It was blue and white. Coming together perfectly.

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