Chapter 35

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It's been a hour. And nothing is happening. Well I don't Think.


"Yes dear?"

"...Do you think they are doing alright?"

"Oh hun, they are strong fighters. They know what they are doing. And what they are up against."

"What if they come here?"

"Well, the collective are here. They worked for him since the beginning. Then the proxies."

I nodded. Then I looked towards the collective. They were sitting on boxes. I'm pretty sure mind linking right now.

"You should go meet them."

"By myself?!"

"You gotta practice. Once your older you will meeting people on your own."

"Why not now?"

"I don't think your father will let you alone without someone he trusts."

"True. True."

I got up and stretched. And then looked at the collective. They were all starring. I felt really awkward. I just waved and smiled awkwardly.
They nodded back. I turned around fast and pretended to check out things.

'God I'm so awkward.'


"Well what?"

"Go on. Go introduce yourself."

"But mom..."



I turned around and slowly made my way towards them. What do I say? Hey? Hi? No what, I'll just go with the flow.

I am now standing right behind them. All staring at me.

"Uh, hi. My name is eternity."

'Hello eternity, it's nice to finally meet you. My name is The observer'


'My name is Firebrand.'

i nodded.

"My name is mr. Scars. But call me milo" He said.

He looked human.


"I'm cursor. Call me Mary."

She also looked human.



I just waved.

'Deadhead and this is persolus.'


" well it's nice to meet you all."

No doubt I'll forget their names. I should write down everyone's name and a description.

"Do any of you know if everything is alright.?"

"Not sure. Didn't get any news. We were talking about going up to see." Milo says

"We should." I say excited.

They all looked at me with questioning faces. It's been like a hour or two. It should be safe.

"Are you sure?"


I started towards the stairs. I look behind me and they are still sitting there. Looking at me.

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