Chapter 11

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I dropped the notebook and the pens. And started backing out of the house.

"Eternity! Come back into the house don't worry!!"


It's the monster from my nightmare. My biggest fear. He had no face. He wore a black suit and, a red tie. He was just starring at me. I just starred back at this damn eye sockets.

I screamed again. He was hella scary. My breathing became quicker and I screamed again.


We kept starring at each other. I kept screaming. He kept watching. My mom and Ms. P. We're trying to calm me down.

That's when I blacked out.

-> Tina's P.O.V. <-

Eternity kept screaming and hyper ventilating. Ms. P. And I tried to calm her down. But she didn't. That's when she blacked out.

"She was being loud. I had to knock her out." I let go of eternity's arm and looked at slenderman.

"The reason why she was being so loud was because you scared the hell out of her. Now help me put her on the couch."

"I didn't mean to. She shouldn't be so scared. She has to overcome all her fears. Not fear them. It's to mortal."

"Ok. Let's get this straight. She's not immortal yet. She's still a mortal. She's scared of you because who wouldn't. And you are her fear. Plus homeless people and jail." I just looked at him. He just starred at his daughter on the floor.

"Homeless people and jail? Humans these days. Why am I her fear. I'm her father."

I just sighed in respond. Ms. P. And I lifted eternity onto the couch.

"She's gonna have a heart attack when she wakes up. Anyways. Slender wake her up."

Ms. P. Said clapping her hands.

"Wake her up love." I went beside slender as we watched his tentacle go to eternity's forehead. He rested his tentacle on her head and pulled it away.

We watched as her eyes began to open.

'Hope this goes well.'

-> eternity's P.O.V. <-

I opened my eyes slowly and I turned my head to the side to see my mom smiling. I gave a small smile then I looked next to her. The faceless dude. My eyes went wide. And my mouth opened. I got up fast and ran to the door and ran out.

"Eternity!!! Get back here!!!!" I heard my mom call.

"It's just a nightmare. It's just a nightmare." I kept telling myself

I leaned against a wall and closed my eyes. A weird feeling went through my body. I opened my eyes and I was back in my house. I slid down the wall. I seen my mom, Ms. P., and the faceless guy or slenderman starring at me.

Then the faceless guy came walking closer to me. I started screaming and holding my arms I front of my. Waving them around. I kept screaming stay away.

Then a weird tentacle thing came from behind his back and it wrapped around my arm. Gently. I stopped screaming and swinging my arms. I just starred at this guy. Not holding on my arm. Ever so gently. I wrapped my hand around it tentacle. I don't know why I did. Something told me to trust him.

We kept starring at each other. Then my breathing became calmer. And my faced no longer showed fear. It showed trust. His face showed love and a smile. He tilted his head to the side. And I did as well. We starred at each other as if scanning each other.

"I won't hurt you...I promise my child." His voice sounded like thunder. Controlling and scary. But to me calm.

I nodded and he helped me up. I looked up. My eyes full of pity.

"Are...are you my father?"


Cliff hanger.

Chapter 11 done on my iPad. First time. I usually do it on my phone.

Thanks if you are still reading. Had fun writing this chapter.

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