Chapter 38

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I opened my eyes slightly. The sin burning my eyes. I close them. I take a deep breath.

'What happened last night?'

I slowly get up. My muscles are sore. And what's that smell?

I open my eyes again an look down. Blood. I'm covered in blood. I look at my nightstand. There was a bloody knife and two empty whiskey bottles. I drink whiskey?

Then memories of last night flood in. Killing. A random party we ended up at. Coming back with beer. I then got a major headache.

"Arghh..." I mumble out. Holding my head.

"Looked like you enjoyed yourself last night." I hear a voice say.

I look up to see my father. Standing there. With his arms crossed.

"I think I did? I can't remember a lot." I said honestly.

"All of you were out for most of the night. Killed around 60 people."

"All of us?"

"Yes. Then you all ended up at a party. Then came home drunk. Smelling blood and alcohol."


I heard him sigh.

"Get cleaned up and come down for breakfast."

I nod and he leaves. I slowly make my way to my dresser. Get new cloths and go to my washroom. I get cleaned up. The hot water feeling good on my sore body.

I get out. Get dressed. Put on alittle bit of makeup. I don't feel like doing my hair.

I walk out of my room and head downstairs. I walk in the dining room. Seeing my mother and father eating. Really just my mom eating.

I walk in and take my seat. My father passes me my plate. I mumble thanks. I then eat.

"You must be hungry." My mom chuckles.

I nod. After last night. I'm starving.

My father then passes me two cups. One filled with milk and the other orange juice.

I chug those like nothing.

"Oh my..." I hear my mom say.

I chuckle. Lately I've been getting hungry all the time.

"Your still growing."

My father says. I nod.

My father had his tendrils out. I grab one and start playing around with it. I look at the little designs they have. Ovals and little squiggles.
(Can't believe I wrote 'squiggles')

He wraps his tendril around my wrist. The memory of before comes back. I start breathing heavy. I stiffen and try to break loose.

He let's go then holds on to my hand. I calm down. And hold his tendril. After a couple minutes. He let's go and stands up.

"Come child." He says.

I stand up and follow him to the door. He grabs my flats and places them infront of my. I put them on and we go outside.

"What are we doing?" I ask

"Going on a walk. I want you to get to know this place better."

I nod. We walked for five minutes and we ended up on a path. He starts walking down the path. I try to keep up. Damn he's a fast walker.

I run alittle. I then grab his hand so I don't fall behind. He holds my hand tightly. In a protective way.

After awhile. We end up at a clearing. With a huge tree in the middle.

"What's this?" I ask.

"..It's a place I go to sometimes."

"Any special meaning?"

"It's where I met your mother. She always came here. I watched in the distance. Waiting to attack."

"You didn't because?"

"I saw something in her. I didn't want her to leave. I felt weak. I didn't want it to happen at the time. But now..."


"Now I'm happy it did child. I have a wife and a daughter. Both immortal."

I nodded my head.

"I never thought anything like this would happen. Having two things that mean everything to me."

"Are you still strong?"

"Honestly, I'm in between. If anything happens to you two. I'm weak. You both are my weaknesses. Also the pastas. But, they don't count."

I chuckle at that.

"Watching you grow, it made soft. I heard your first words. Watched you take your first steps and all."

"Cool. so you were technically with me growing up."

"Yes. I also know everything you did behind your mothers back."

I stiffen.

"But I won't tell....yet."

"What!?! Yet!?! What do you know!"

I turn to face him.

"Like I said. Everything."

I huff. He then chuckles.

"Come on let's get back."

I nod an grab his hand again. It's really a beautiful place. We turn and head back.

I noticed when something happens. Either bad or good. The next day is calming and meaning full.
Boring chapter. I repeat. BORING!!! I swear I could've done better. But oh well. At least y'all get a update

I also, I now know it it feels like reading a book you enjoy a lot. And it's still in progress. And you have to wait for the next update.

Is that how you people feel about this book? If you do, I know how it feels now.

And I'm looking or new books to read while I wait for updates. Got any suggestions? Doesn't matter what kind of book. Any book you enjoy. I'll check them out.

I'll be responding to comments now. Also I'll be posting little notes in the comments of the last update I do. So look out for updates in the comments on this chapter.

Hope you enjoyed. :) see you all later.

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