Chapter 41

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I skipped down the hall. Towards the dining room. I kept skipping until I sat down in my usual chair.

"Why were you skipping?" My mom asks.

"I have no idea..." I reply. Realizing i WAS skipping.

"Eternity." my father says.

I lower my head. Not looking at him. Nervous for what's to come.



Shit. now what?

"You have to run threw the town wearing a pink unicorn onzie." way.....finally!!!

I look up at my father who had a victory smile. But honestly. I was excited.

"Really?!" I ask. Jumping in my seat.

He looks down at me and frowns. While I had a big smile. I was happy that I can go back to my hometown.

"The thing is in your room..." My father mumbles.

I run to my room and out it on. Checking in the mirror
'Damn I'm one sexy ass unicorn.' I thought.

I, again, skip downstairs. Nearly tripping and slipping. I skip to my father and smile.

"I'm gonna choose a new punishment." He mumbles and stands up.

I hug his legs an look up.

"This can't be any worse than any punishment." I lie.

His smile returns.

"What's the use of lying?" He says.

Now it was my turn to frown.

"Please! Let me do this. I'll scream random things. Even jump in a fountain and splash around."


I smile and run out the door.
I must be the brightest thing in this forest right now. I wonder what the things in this forest must think when they see a bright ass unicorn running pass.
I chuckle at the thought.

I'm only 10 minutes away right now. I keep smiling like a maniac...or like jeff. While running.

After awhile I come to the edge of the forest. Oh my god! I forgot my damn shoes. Oh well. At least I'm wearing socks and this thing has foot things.

I walk casually until I'm in downtown. Not really big.

I walk to the park. Givin many stares and remarks.
'If only you knew what I'm able to do'
I thought as glaring at a group of girls.

I sat down on a park bench. Pulled the hood down and relaxed. I missed it here. But I know, I will never have a normal life. I was sitting there. Thinking about what has happened so far. I'm 17 in a month. After a year. It will change.

I started to hum a song. soon the humming turned into silent words.

'Shoot me down....but I won't fall. I am titanium...'

"Nice voice."I hear behind me.

I turn quickly to see a cute looking guy. But, he looks familiar...

"Remember me?"

"I...uh...sorry I don't." I reply.

"Dylan." he chuckled.

Dylan....dylan! I remember him. Oh my god. I totally forgot about.

"Oh right. Hi Dylan."


I nod smiling. He sits beside me. He looks at my onesie. Raises a eyebrow.

"It was a punishment." I laugh awkwardly.

"You have better punishments then I do. I either have to do chores or stay at home during weekends. The usual stuff."

I nod. Man, I'm lucky. I think?

"So. what happened after we first met?" I ask.

"Oh, nothing much. But the crime rate here is ridiculous! There's a new murderer in town."

Dylan seems scared about that. But, a new killer? I wonder who.

"Who?" I ask as if frighten by the news.

"I don't know. No body knows. But each victim they find has the initials 'SM'. It's weird."

I nod. 'SM'? Who in the creepypasta world has the initials 'SM'? I put it aside for later.

"Scary. How long has this been happening. I wasn't in town for awhile so I don't really know what's happening here." Lies.

"Well awhile now. It's freaking me out. The whole town actually. Getting killed off one by one."

I make a horrified face.

"No way."

"Yeah. My family want to get out of town for awhile. Until this killer is found."

"That would be the safest idea. That's what my family is planning. Even before the crime rates."

"Yeah. I should be going. My mother would be worried about me. Also. Don't forget to text me." He winks and leaves. Waving.

I wave back and smile. Something about his aura. It's not human. It's....dark.. something about him in general. Its...i can't put my finger on it. Familiar?

I didn't notice before. But now.

'Eternity come home. You been out too long'

My father mind linked with me.

'Ok. Teleport me back.'

I get that feeling again and stumble. Slipping onto the ground. I pry myself off the ground to see I'm on the living room floor.

"What's with the pink unicorn get up?"

I look to my right to see hoodie, masky, and BEN looking at me.

"Punishment." I simply reply. They nod and continue there game. I roll onto my back and watch. Smash bros. I never played it.

I watch for awhile until someone walks into the room.

"Eternity?" I hear someone whisper.

I turn my head to see philanecron. I'm just gonna call her Phil. I lay my head down and raise an eyebrow.

"Your father wants you.." she whispers again.

I sigh and get up. Cat walking in my onzie. I make my way to the dining room. He's probably in his office. I make my way there with Phil following me around like puppy. I let her and continue.

I knock on his office door.

"Come in."

I open the door and walk in. He motions me to sit down. Then motions Phil to sit too. We both sit and wait.



"Philanecron will be joining us. For the upcoming event. you will teach her how things work here. You will teach her techniques. She will teach you techniques. You two aren't going train with anyone else. You both will be doing missions I assign you to do. Alright?"

Update for now. And also new cover photo!!!!! You like???
Ok. Until the end of September. There will be an update. Look out for notes posted on my wall. Rarely. Also. Over 100 followers. Awh guys. Thanks so much. Thanks for sharing my book and giving back great comments. Honestly some your comments make me smile or laugh in a way.

Well, bye for now.

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