Chapter 14

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My phone started to buzz.

'Ugh. Not now.'

My dad stopped walking and my mom stopped to. I looked infront of me and I was only a couple of feet away from them.

"Well. Hello again everyone. You all got so big!"

My mom said to everyone. By now I made eye contact with everyone. Awkward.

"Hey Tina!" they all said back.

"We will let you all introduce yourselves to our daughter. We need to get things ready inside." My mom said heading inside.

'Well. This is going to be awkward. Fuck.'

After they shut the door. All eyes were on me. Hope this goes well.


"Hi! I'm Sally! and I'm 8."

This cute little girl came walking towards me with a smile. She wore a cute little dress. A fancy one. I guess she wanted to be dolled up.

"Uhh...hi" I said nervous.

"What's your name? and how old are you?"

"Well Sally, my name is eternity. And I am now 16." I said quietly.

"Are you scared eternity?"

"Very..." I turned my head.

"Don't be! we won't hurt you."


I looked up and everyone was still starring at me. Goodness. What's there problem. Then two boys wearing masks came down the steps.

"Uhh hey I'm masky."

"And hoodie..."

They both held there hands out and I shook them gently.

"I'm eternity nice to meet you both."

I looked down at the ground.

"Happy birthday.

I looked up at masky. And smiled.


Then another guy with a mask came down the steps.

"Hey I'm eyeless jack. You must be eternity. Happy birthday."

"Hi and thanks." We shook hands he stepped off to the side.

Then jeff came down the steps.

"Hey we already met. Can't wait to see you murder someone."

I glared at him.

"Freak..." I mumbled

He looked at me and smiled. Ugh he already gets on my nerves.

Then a boy wearing a green suit approached me. He looks like link like on those games.

"Hey I'm BEN. And you are a fine ass lady." *pervy grin*


"BEN. Go fuck your self." Jeff said behind me.

I looked at Ben and he winked at me and walked to the side.

'Damn he's short'

There was no one else. I swore I seen another girl there. Oh well.

I turned around and everyone was starring at me. I just stood there and looked at the ground.

"I'm cold... So.... I'm going...inside."

I turned around and slowly headed up the steps and inside. Before I sleeper through the door I looked back. They all kept starring at me. I quickly walked in and shut the door. Man they scare me.

I checked my phone and to see the Dylan texted me saying happy birthday.

I texted back saying thanks and all that jazz.

I put my phone away and looked around. So beautiful. It's so big. I heard talking in like the dining room. I headed towards the talking.

'I hope it's going to go well today.'


Hey sup hope you like it so far. I don't got much to say. So ya. See you all later.

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