Putting an End to Everything

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"How can we stop them? They hate me and nothing is going to change that!" I tell her.

"We'll have to make them change," she tells me and Apollo and Jake come back. I try and take the note back from Zoë before my brother sees it but she hands it to him.

"Artemis why do you always hide stuff like this?" Apollo asks me and sighs.

I shrug, and stand up.

"We need to get to class," I tell them and we walk off to second period.

Lunch time
When we get released for lunch, I go to my locker. Zoë came up with a plan and it involves me being bait. It took a ton of convincing to convince Apollo that this was the best plan but eventually he gave in.

Zoë, Apollo, and Jake follow me.

"Guys I'll be fine. I'll catch up in a sec, y'all go ahead and go," I tell them and Zoë and Jake start walking off and Apollo stays back a little longer.

"If anything happens-" he whispers.

"I'll be fine, besides Zoë's plan is going to work," I whisper back; interrupting him.

He reluctantly walks off and I go to my locker.

"Well look who it is," I hear Leah say.

"All alone. No one here to help you," Grace says.

I turn around and see their whole group behind me.

"What do y'all want?" I ask them.

"You know what we want!" Allan says.

I roll my eyes and finish putting my stuff up. Jack slams my locker shut.

"What have I done to y'all!?" I ask them getting angry.

"Got us in trouble for no reason!" Leah says.

I roll my eyes again.

I notice Zoë, Apollo, and Jake getting the entire school around us.

I smirk.

"Feel free to do whatever y'all want, but in the end everyone will know just exactly how you treat everybody. It won't be my fault for y'all getting in trouble this time because y'all did this to yourselves. I'm done being scared of y'all because no matter what I'll have my brother, Zoë, and Jake by my side, and that's all I need! So why don't y'all turn around and see what everyone thinks of y'all!" I tell them.

They turn around and see the entire school surrounding us and they run off.

Apollo, Zoë, and Jake run over to me.

"I think they're done messing with you!" Zoë says; laughing.

I smirk.

"Oh I know they're done messing with me," I say with a smirk.

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