Apollo's Thoughts

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"I'm just going to change out your I.V, Artemis," the nurse says. I nod.

I hate this and Apollo walks over to me and grabs my hand. He turns my head to look at him while the nurse puts the needle in my arm. I wince.

"That's all," the nurse says.

"Do y'all need anything?" The nurse asks us.

I shake my head, to weak to talk.

"No we're good," Apollo tells her for me.

The nurse walks out and I start feeling tired so I fall asleep.

Apollo's POV
My sister hasn't been herself and I'm really worried about her. I've heard of people not surviving cancer and now that Artemis has it; it's scary. I love my sister more than anything. I don't know what I would do if she didn't beat this. I try to be positive for her but even if it's hard for me to believe what I tell her.

Every time I look into Artemis's eyes I see the fear in them. I know she knows that some people don't survive cancer and that freaks her out even more. I wish there was more I could do for her. If I could, I would switch places with her in an instant.

I hear a cry of pain and look at my sister and see her in pain. I rush over to her side and take her hand in mine and she squeezes it. I call a nurse and when she gets here, she checks Artemis.

"What's wrong with her?!" I ask.

"She's just having pain which is normal," the nurse says.

"Can you give her something to help ease it?" I ask.

"The I.V is helping it, without the I.V the pain would be a lot worse," the nurse tells me.

An hour later
It's been an hour since Artemis had those pains in her stomach and she is still asleep. I walk over to her and run my hand through her hair.

"You'll be ok, Bright Moon," I whisper. "Bright Moon" is a nickname I gave her a few years ago. We were walking around at night and Artemis always loved the moon and that night she was amazed at how bright it was.

"A-Apollo?" I hear a raspy voice say.

"Yea sis I'm right here," I tell her.

"I w-want to go h-home," she says.

"I know, sis. When you get better we can go home," I tell her.

"Please t-take me h-home," she begs with tears rolling down her cheeks. I wipe them away even though more fall.

"Artemis you know we can't leave until you get better," I tell her.

The look she gives me makes my heart break. I wish I could take her place.

Hey guys I'm sorry I haven't been posting a lot lately. I started school a few weeks ago and I've been really busy with that. I'm also sick right now, so I'm trying to rest. I just wanted to get a chapter out for y'all, and this is just a filler chapter. I promise I'll try to most more frequently. I hope y'all are enjoying the story so far!!

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