Mean Girls

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This whole day so far has been going pretty good, I just had one of my classes with Zoë, Spanish, and now I am walking to lunch with my brother and his best friend, Jake.

"Hey guys I'm just gonna go to the bathroom real quick, I'll see y'all in the cafeteria," I say.

"Ok," Jake says.

"Ok, sis," my brother says, and I rush into the bathroom, to see the worst girls ever, Leah, Grace, Lily, and Ava.

"Well look who it is, Apollo's sister," Leah says turning to me.

I try and rush back out, but Ava blocks the door.

"What do y'all want," I ask.

"For you to stay away from our group," Leah says.

"Um you aren't the boss of me, Leah, and I'll hangout with my brother and Jake if I want to, there is nothing you can do about it," I say, trying to sound brave, when really I'm not.

Just then I feel someone grab my arms, and then see Leah walk up to me, and punch me in my stomach. I double over and groan in pain, Grace pulls my hair, and I let out a scream, and Leah gets right up in my face.

"I'll make sure your high school career is miserable now," Leah says and I get pushed down onto the floor, and grab my stomach in pain.

Zoë's POV
I am in my history class right now and I see Leah and her friends walking out of the bathroom laughing, and the weird thing was I heard a scream just a second ago.

"Mr.Drake, may I go to the bathroom," I ask the teacher, and he nods his head, and I rush out the door. When I get to the bathroom, I open the door, and see Artemis laying on the floor.

"OMG ARTEMIS!!" I exclaim.

"L-Leah and her f-friends," Artemis stutters.

"Artemis where's Apollo?!" I ask.

"C-cafe-cafeteria," she stutter out, so I help her stand and I take her to the cafeteria. When we get there, we see Apollo talking with all his friends.

"APOLLO!!" I scream. When he hears his name he looks up and his eyes widened at the sight of his sister, and he rushes over along with another boy from his group.

"Omg Artemis what happened?" Apollo asks.

"Le-," she starts but faints. I try and hold her up, but can't, and Apollo scoops her up in his arms.

"Zoë what happened?" Apollo asks me, and Leah walks over and puts her arm on Apollo's shoulder.

"Leah don't touch me," Apollo growls, and Leah instantly removes her hand from his shoulder.

"It was Leah and those girls," I say pointing directly at Leah.

"What did she do?" Apollo growls not even looking to where I'm pointing.

"All I know is that when I got to bathroom, Artemis was on the floor gripping her stomach and groaning," I say, and Apollo and whoever the other guy is turns and glares at Leah.

"What?" Leah asks.

"What did you do?" Apollo growls.

"Just played a little game," Leah answers. I roll my eyes, she is so fake.

"There you are Ms.Nightshade," my history teacher, Mr.Drake, says and walks over to us.

"Mr.Drake I'm sorry I never came back, I needed to help Artemis, I found her on the bathroom floor, groaning in pain and I needed to get her to her brother," I say.

"I see, and what happened?" Mr.Drake asks.

"Leah Summers beat her up in the bathroom," I say, and we all turn to Leah.

"Apollo take Artemis home, and Ms.Summers come with me please," Mr.Drake says and they walk out.

I decided to do Zoë's POV in this chapter since I had Artemis get beat up, hope y'all enjoyed.

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