Shocking Confession

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When I wake up again, I am no longer at school but instead in my room at my house. I rethink everything that happened in the past couple of hours, and all I remember is getting beat up by Leah and her friends in the bathroom. I hear a knock on my door and Apollo walks in.

"Hey Artemis, how are you feeling?" my brother asks me.

"I guess as good as I can be after being beat up, and left," I say and Apollo sits on the edge of my bed.

"Hey listen I'm sorry about Leah, she's getting suspended from school for at least two weeks," Apollo tells me.

"Really, how did anyone find out?" I ask.

"Zoë found you in the bathroom," he tells me.

"What about Grace, Ava, and Lily?" I ask.

"They will be in dentition for a week, Mrs.Allison didn't think they should be suspended like Leah," Apollo tells me.

"Great they're going to hate me even more now," I say.

"Why? You didn't do anything," my brother says.

"That's how they are, they're just gonna blame me for everything," I say.

"They do, get me or Jake, or both of us," Apollo says, and I get confused as to why Jake would care.

"Why Jake?" I ask.

"Artemis, Jake cares about you too, when he saw Zoë having to pretty much hold you up, there was no question about it he was up in an instant to get to you," Apollo tells me.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yes, in fact he's here right now along with Zoë," Apollo says, and stands up, and helps me stand up, puts his arm around my shoulders, and we walk out of my room and into the living room. When Zoë sees me, she runs up to me.

"Omg Artemis I was worried about you," she says.

"I'm fine Zoë," I say.

"Hey, Artemis," Jake says.

"Hey Jake," I say. I look at him and we lock eyes for a few minutes.

"I told Artemis about Leah getting suspended," Apollo says.

"Isn't that great, Artemis?" Zoë asks me.

"'s...uh...awesome," I say not really paying attention to anyone right now, because all I can think about is what's to come when Leah, Grace, Lily, and Ava get back to school.

"You ok, Artemis?" Zoë asks me.

"Huh oh yea I'm fine," I say, and Zoë raises an eyebrow.

Apollo and Jake go and talk, and I go sit on the couch. Zoë walks over to me and sits beside me on the couch.

"Artemis I know you're not ok," she says.

"I'm fine, Zoë, really," I say.

"Hey Artemis, I need to tell you something!" my brother yells and Jake tries to shut him up, I look at Zoë, who just shrugs her shoulders.

"What is it, Apollo?" I ask.

"Actually Jake needs to tell you something," my brother says.

"Ok, what is it, Jake?" I ask confused.

Jake glares at Apollo and my brother just smirks in response. I raise an eyebrow in confusion.

"Tell her, Jake, it's not hard," Apollo says, smirking.

"Tell me what?" I ask.

"Artemis I like you," Jake says.

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