Science Expiriment Gone Wrong

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The Next Week
Lunch time
At lunch I sit with Apollo and Jake at their groups table, I get a ton of glares from the boys and girls in their group but try my best to ignore them.

"You good, Artemis?" Apollo asks me.

"Yea, I'm good," I say, putting a fake smile on. I look at my lunch not really hungry, so I don't eat. I wish Zoë and I had the same lunch. I notice Apollo looking at me.

"Artemis you really should eat something," Apollo tells me.

"I'm not really hungry," I say, looking down.

"Artemis what's wrong?" Apollo whispers in my ear.

"I miss Zoë, me and her used to have all the same classes and now we have only like two," I say, and Apollo wraps his arm around my shoulders and I lean my head on his shoulder. I notice the others staring at us, but I ignore them.

"It'll be ok, Artemis, and like I said on the first day of school, if any of my friends pick on you or make you feel uncomfortable tell me, ok?" Apollo tells me. I nod my head in response.

After lunch, we start walking to 6th period, chemistry. I hate this class, I always fail the tests, and I always do bad on the experiments. I don't have Jake in this class, but I do have Apollo, so we walk to class together, me holding onto him and he has his arm around my shoulders.

When we get to the lab, I go sit down and Apollo sits right beside me, and Leah and Ava sit with us. They glare at me the whole time, but I try and ignore them. When we start the experiment I try and do it, but Apollo has to stop me, because I was about to mix two highly reactive chemicals together. Leah and Ava start laughing, and I put my head in my hands.

"Hey it's ok, Artemis," Apollo says.

I look up at him, and at Ava and Leah.

"Why do y'all always laugh at me and make fun of everything I do? I bet y'all wouldn't have known which chemicals to mix either, only reason y'all sat over here was because y'all want to impress my brother and make fun of me!" I say to Leah and Ava, and rush out of the classroom not caring if the teacher gets mad. I've had enough of Leah and her group of girls bullying me. I go to the one place I know I'll be happy, the woods.

When I get there, I see some fawns, I walk up to them, quietly so I don't scare them, when they see me I stop, and they walk up to me. My brother always says I have a magic touch when it comes to dealing with animals. I reach my hand out for them to sniff, and they decide I'm not going to harm them, and they let me pet them.

A few hours later
"ARTEMIS, ARE YOU HERE?!" I hear my brother yelling. When he sees me he runs over, scaring off the animals.

"Artemis, I've been searching for you for hours. Me, Zoë, and Jake have, why did you run off?!" Apollo demands.

"Apollo I'm tired of how I'm being treated by Leah and her group of girls. Everyday they pick on me, and sometimes I-I go home wanting to kill myself because of it!" I say then regret it.

"Artemis why haven't you talked to me about it?! I'll force them to stop! I don't want you going home feeling like that anymore, talk to me if you feel like that! You're the greatest most funniest person in my life, I love you sis!" Apollo says.

"I love you too, Apollo, but they're not going to stop, it'll just keep getting worse, everyday it'll get worse!!" I say, and feel tears fall down my cheeks.

"Come here," Apollo says and I walk over to him and crash in his arms and bawl my eyes out into his chest.

"Let's get you home, ok?" Apollo tells me, and I nod my head. He wraps his arm around my shoulders and I lean into his side while we walk.

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