your wish granted

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Everything ends up fine after they known that jinguan Yao was the devil all along.

Jin ling take over the seat of being a sect leader in his Earl age now that his turning 16 of course as the sect Leader he will have a very expensive birthday party and all of the great clan is invited.

When wwx found out that he is invited he got so excited because finally he can make up for those years that he missed Jin ling's birthday he made a vere special and powerful gift for Jin ling too. Jiang Cheng said he can help for the decorations .

So wwx quickly got up his bed and get ready dragging his husband lz and sons zishue and a sleepy jingyi
(Yes they adopted jingyi now so he is like there real son)

Lan Jingyi: ahhhh what's so important for today...

Lan zishue: jingyi today is Jin ling's birthday ... We have to hurry come on let's go.

Lan Jingyi: ohhhh that Young mistress is getting old ... Well that's great...

Lz: wei ying come on ride in my sword and let's all go.

Wwx: right right thank you husband!

Wwx said earning a blushing lan zhan .

(Jinlin Terrace)

Wwx : ahhhh! no that doesn't look good .

Wait the Cake shouldn't be that too sweet.

Ahhh Jingyi !! stay away from that candle you'll burn your self.

Ljy: ok mother!

Zishue! be careful of your clothes ok.

Lzh: yes mom!

Lan zhan take care of our son won't you!!!


Wwx was so active and very happy to help prepare Jin ling's birthday party.

Jl: stop!! Your too loud!

Jingling shout in annoyance.

Wwx: ok I will.. I will... Just want everything to be perfect.

Wwx: ahh! no not that candle here put this one.

Jinling just rolled his eyes and walk out the door in annoyance which some of the people inside notice.

After some time the room was filled with cultivators admiring the very expensive decorations in the room and how they design it perfectly.
But most of them was talking about wwx Wich Jinling notice and got annoyed again.

Wwx: now it's time for sect leader Jin to blow his birthday candles.

Jl: I'm not a kid anymore!

Jinling whispered yelled at him noticing some cultivators laughing at the actions of wwx.

Wwx: ohhhh!! Come on just do it.

Wwx said In exciting tone.
Which annoyed Jinling more because he was treating him like a kid and he was so embarrassed at the people laughing at there scene.

Jc: just do it and it's done !

Jiang Cheng said while turning his back ready to go back to his seat when Jinling shout out of patients.

Jl: I told you I'm not a kid anymore!!

Lz hear this and quickly get beside his

Ljy: heyy!! You stop shouting at my mother.

Jingyi said fully awake and done with this stupid party where people had nothing to do than to spit nonsense to wwx Wich is his mother.

Lzh: Jingyi!!! You come on let's get you back to sleep .

Zishue whisper yelled.

Jl: oh so his your mother now!?

Ljy: yes ! And your making him embarrassed in front of everyone.

Lz: ok that's enough a-yi go back to your seat now.

Wwx: thank you Lan zhan.

Wwx whisper to his husband.

Jl: I'm making him embarrassed well his making me more embarrassed!
How did he deserved to have his own family when he ruined mine.

Jinling blurted out that make everyone shoked specially wwx.

Jc: Jinling!!! Enough!!!

Jl: but uncle!!!

Wwx: Jin ling just make a wish and blow your candle and I promise I won't ruined your party anymore.

Jl: won't!! Well you just did!!!
Now you want to know my wish!! Well then I wish my family have there life back without you coming into scene.

Jinling said and quickly blow that candle and about to Walk out the door.

Wwx was so shocked at the wish he only thought that Jinling want some powerful things or have his family beside him but he didn't expect this kind of wish so he quickly look into his husband with an I'm sorry look.

Wwx: lan zhan I'm sorry again it's my fault I'm really sorry and I Love you so much .

Lz was shoked at this on why his wife expression suddenly turned like that so he was about to hug him when a large big amount of light come and blinded them all and when they open there eyes.

They are all standing in front of a large screen.

Ljy: you what did you do again!!!

Jl: I don't know why are you blaming me!!!!

Lzh: the both of you that's enough!!!

Lz: zishue!! Jingyi!!! Where's your mother?!

When they look around wwx wasn't really there so they panic when they remembered Jin ling's wish.

Jc: Jin ling!!!!

Jl: uncle!!! I'm sorry!!

Before everyone could panic more the screen shows up something where wwx was 5 suffering from hunger and dog bite at the street. And more scene on how the sweetest guy in the world sacrifice everything he had, to do what he thought was right only to get betrayed by the world, loosing everyone he cares about, how he was driven to insanity in full detail and commit suicide.

When the show was finished all of them are sad of what they just found out . But then there's a screen Infront of them and talk.

Screen: sect leader Jin your wish will be my command as my master wwx said make your wish come true. Now hold on to each other as we will go back to the past .

As the wish will change everything you are not allowed to tell that you are from the future as long as I said so.
Or else everyone that dye in the future will also dye in this Life Time.

They were All shocked at this.
Lz hold his two son ljy and lzh
Knowing how also important they are to wwx.

Jc hold Jin ling and rolled his eyes at Nhs who was holding him firmly.

Jl: No! No! no........

But before he could finish his sentence they all blinded by the light and feel there self falling in a very high mountain.

It's supposed to be Lan sizhui but my keyboard is a trash so bare with m

follow me ty🙂

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