night talked🌌

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Wei wuxian: thank you for putting our son's to sleep lan zhan ahhh I'm really tired for today.

Wei wuxian said still seating near the window. Then lan zhan walk and seat beside him and started combing his hair.

Wei wuxian: lan zhan I know he looked at me in teary eyes!
Why does he act like that?
Wei wuxian said confused

Lan zhan: you might look like some one he knows.

Wei wuxian: you are right lan zhan may be I'm just over thinking. Ayahhh I'm so lucky to have a husband like you.

Lz: MN...

With that wei wuxian start laughing and crawl up to lan zhan's neck and hug him tight. Then lan zhan carry him in bridal style and put him on the bed it's "already night let's go to sleep." Lan zhan said in a soft tone and thought "something really doesn't change wei ying still like being carried to bed"

(In Jiang Cheng Hanshi)

Lan Xichen: are you ok a-cheng? You seem to be a bit off?

Lan Xichen said worried because Jiang Cheng seem to carry a heavy things in his heart.

Jiang Cheng: it's fine. He just reminded me of some one I Know.

Lan Xichen: really? Who? Wuxian is really a nice guy his smart unique and have  out of this worlds personality I never thought someone will be just like him.
Now tell me who?
Xichen said curious.

Jiang Cheng: it's my Friend when I was a child and while grewing up but ........his somewhere now happy and I'm happy for him too
(Referring too wei wuxian)

Xichen: then that is great you probably miss him but it's ok wuxian will be your brother in law now and like I said his nice you guys can spend a lot of time together.

Jiang Cheng: yeahhh... I guess... We will.....

Xichen: of course , come on let's go to sleep .

Xichen said and they both went to sleep together.

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