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Jinling:Jingyi run faster but be quiet!!?
He whisper yell.

Jingyi: your telling me when you're the One who's noisy!!!
He said demanding.

Sizhui: you guy's stop.
How can we escape here if you're being noisy.
He said making the two shot up.

Lan Maidens: young master lan !!!

Second master lan!!!!

Jin maidens: Master Jin!!!

: Ohhh please come out we're going to be in trouble if we don't find them.

Lan deciple: don't stop until we find them for sure they are just around here!!

Sizhui: come on guys there's a Hanshi at the back of Jin clan we can go there!

Jinling: ehhh how did you know?

Jingyi: he knows everything Young mistress.

With that they started quarrelling again good thing the maidens and deciple that looking for them wasn't there anymore.
But they all stop when the heard some One laughing.

Wen zhizen: tsk!! Look at this bastard they are all idiot hahaha!

Jinling: you!!!! Who the fuck are you to call us idiot!!! 😤
Jinling shout at him .

Jingyi: yeah!!!!

Wen zhizen: hahaha me? My father was right the dog is indeed powerful that made you forgot everything hahaha?!

Sizhui: your wen chao's son?
Zishue said confused

Jinling: huh? Who the fuck is him.

With that jingyi quickly jumped and push him down to the ground.

Jingyi: you fucking kid!!! How dare set a powerful dog to us I'm really gonna kill you!!!

Sizhui: jingyi stop!
He demanded.

But when jingyi was about to stop slapping him, another wen came and helped pulling jingyi's hair and also smacking him in the head with that jinling also rumble and join in not letting the wen's to win.
Just as jingyi was about to lay his hand again someone hold it and carry him in his arms. Jingyi went fully alert but when he saw who carry him made him shocked.

Jingyi: Gra.....nd un...cle?

Lqr: what? Causing trouble again?!

With that Jinling quickly get up and so is wen zhizen but he quickly run away scared of Grandmaster lan.

Jinling: that's it run away you bastard!!!!!

Lqr: ehem....
Lan qiren cough taking the attention of the kids.and speak.
"A-Yi stop causing trouble and listen to your brother ok... Now go and play somewhere safe. And sizhui please take care of this two but don't stressed your self.
Lan qiren said and put jingyi down and walk away. Making the three Left speechless.

Jinling: the last thing you said is he hate you?!!!! Liar!!!!!!

Jingyi: well my guess is right grand uncle doesn't hate me he cares for me he just not showing it much but he come on let's go.

But they all stop when sizhui was still not moving and it looks like he was thinking so deep.

Jinling: ehhh sizhui what's wrong?
He asked concerned.

Sizhui: you guys!!! Thats ouyang zhizen!!!!!

Zishue said making the two speechless again.

Jingyi: what!!! Zizhen is a wen now!!!!

Jinling: what!!! This is really a huge change . And why does he acts like a Bastard!! Jinling said calming down his self because his still tired of the unfinished fight.

But then they noticed jingyi being sad
With that sizhui look at jinling and then step forward to Pat jingyi's back.

Sizhui: what's wrong ?
He ask in concerned.

Jingyi: I almost kill him sizhui his also our friend but because he grew up to be the son of wen Chao now he became a bastard and a coward! What do we do !!! We can't just hurt him every time he said mean things it's was not his fault.
Said jingyi it a dramatic tone.

Jinling: yeahhhh.... It was mine ..... I'm sorry 😔

Sizhui: Everyone stop blaming your self it's all an accident since we know this we have to make our patience longer for him.

He said and they all agreed and said" we have to make him be friends with us" jingyi said.

Jinling: but how his a bit of a Bich now it's impossible!!!

Jingyi: but your once just like that until now but your friends with us. You phony !!!!

Jingyi said making sizhui just smile and jinling stamp his feet and clamp his mouth shot.

Zishue: ok that's enough let's go to the Hanshi and make some plans ok.
With that they all agreed with no more talking.

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