how the alliance ruined 😞

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Wwx: well there's more that happened after some years when I born you when I was still young all my inventions are really getting famous so is my name wei and now lan the two clan are getting reach under our care that's why people started making issues about me when they found out that I was using an amulet but it was really good one because it can transform bad energy to good energy.

Everyone wants me to leave tough uncle qiren speak up for me and let me stay in here while the wei clan is guarding us. And lan clan is busy investigating in who the hell is causing trouble and saying I done it .
Qinghengjun found out that it was jinguashan and his son Jin guang Yao.
So they are put in the dongyan and punish. But The alliance between the lan and Jin was kinda messed up since some of the deciple of Jin clan is hating them so the lan doesn't pay attention to them and just hate them deep inside, lan qiren doesn't also like what they did so he doesn't arrange a meeting between to clan ever again.

Jin zixuan become the sect leader though no One trust the Jin's anymore so they maid lan xichen a chief cultivator since qinghejun and lan qiren doesn't want it.
But xichen-ge disagree and suggest lan zhan to be it and everyone agree.

Zishue & jingyi: what!? Mother father is the chief cultivator of whole cultivation world now?!

Wwx: yup!!

Jingyi: now this is really a huge change! Back in the future...mmmmmm

Zishue covered jingyi's mouth before he could say More.

Wwx: huh!?

Zishue: nothing mother! It's really a huge change right? Hehehe....

Lz: but why brother disagree to it?

Wwx: huh?! You really forgot lan zhan xichen is getting married now to sect leader Jiang Cheng. So he will leave now left to us all the responsibility since qingheng-jun is here to help you I mean us..

Wei wuxian blurted out casually but it made the 3 person choked in there own saliva.

Jingyi: sect leader xichen I mean uncle xichen is marrying sect leader Jiang?!

Lan jingyi said in disbelief.

Lz: what?!

Zishue: huh?

Wwx: yes he is! Why you guys have such a bad memory!? Wait!!! Now I'm the one who's saying that! hahaha!

Wwx: anyways xichen-ge is staying here for his vication but he will leave soon to prepare there wedding.
I also didn't know Sect leader Jiang yet. I hope I get to know him too..

Deciple : madam lan grand master lan is calling all of you now for lunch.

Wwx: ok we're coming.

So wei ying Carry Jingyi and lan zhan with zishue. And they all went to the dinning room to meet everyone.

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