drinking vinegar 1😯

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Since lan zhan knows that he wasn't being romantic at this Life  since they got meried. So he wanted to make something special for wei ying and be more romantic. First he go down the market and buy a book title"way of husband" and started following what is written inside it.

Lan zhan buy a lots of chilly, wine , and yummy foods and put it on one basket 🧺 and he grab a blanket a soft and fluffy one.Then he find a nice place to have a picnic and set everything up. He find a near tree close to the lotus pond Wich is wei wuxian favorite spot back in there time.

Jiang yanli: you seem to remember what he still like aren't you?!
Jiang yanli ask knowing the answer

Lz: MN...

Jiang yanli went close to him and said " you should make some lotus rib soup 🍲" Jiang yanli Said sadly " at this life he doesn't meet me yet and know me, he doesn't taste any of my cooking and if his going to love Your cooking I'll gladly accept my defeat"
Jiang yanli said sadly looking down on the ground.
With that lan zhan went closer and comfort him.

Jin zixuan: tsk!!!..... This guy ..call madam lan and let him know about this...
Zixuan said jealous

Maiden: Yes, Sect leader jin!!
With the he sneakily run away and look for wei wuxian.

(Main hall)

Wei wuxian was having tea with madam Yu and talking about his inventions and the concept of the marriage of xichen and Jiang Cheng.
But then there's a maiden went in front of them and she seems like tired in running.

Maiden: madame lan !!! Sect leader lan is in lotus pond !!........Your husband !! ....His!!!
The maiden said barely holding his breath tired of running.

Wei wuxian: what ?! What happened to my husband!? Wei wuxian said in panic.

Maiden: I saw him, his well ..... flirting with madam jiang!!!
She said in high tone making wei wuxian shocked and exclaimed a loud"What!!" Which make Yu ziyan panic.

Madam Yu: I... I'm sure this is just a misunderstanding ....madam lan please calm down.

Wei wuxian came in thousand of thought and insecurities."is that the reason why he doesn't make up with me anymore? , Does he like a girl now?, I'm I not enough?, No lan zhan can't do that!, Can he?, Wait am I not pretty anymore? Or I'm I boring ?. Just by thinking about it he quickly fall to the floor and every maidens kneel down to help him up.

Wei wuxian: nooo..........

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