loud noise is coming from?🧐

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The adults are already in the room having there meeting.
Since the kids are not allowed inside they just play outside.

Jin ling : hey can you swim?!
He said while giving a look to jingyi that "his weak"

Jingyi: Tsk! No I can't so what!!!

Jinling: hahaha my dog fairy is even better than you cause it can swim!!!
He said teasingly.

Jingyi: well can you swim?!
He said impatient.

Jinling: of course I can !!!!
Jinling said proudly.

Jingyi: then I guess there's nothing difference Between you and your dog!
He said with a smirk. Making jinling's face all red In madness and exclaimed with a loud" You!! "

Sizhui: ok that's enough! Guys come on we have to help madam Jin Yanli to serve the food remember.

With that they all went away and help to serve the food to the other kids and visitors in lotus Pier.

Wen zizhen: tsk! Ohhh hello again losers! Being a servant today huh?
He said smirking .

Jinling: you!!!! It's you again!!!!

Sizhui: jinling I told you we have to be friends with him.
He whisper.

Jinling: ohh great! Just great!
He said with a boring look on his face.

Sizhui: so what do you want to get?
Sizhui ask nicely.

Wen zizhen: well I want a food for my father's dog since your food here is a trash!

With that sizhui was done with this but he calm his self down immediately and stated

Sizhui: well then do you want to eat it here or take out?
He said making jingyi and jinling speechless.

Wen zhizen: you!!! are you saying I'm a dog!

Jinling: why aren't you!!!
He said with a glare.

With that they started a food fight, throwing all the food that they grab to the other. The other kids join in to help there own bias. Making sizhui at the middle of the fight trying hard to stop the food fight .

But it was too late the cultivators meeting was already disturb they went quickly outside and what they saw shocked them food was all over the floor and walls. Pans, plate and other kitchen materials are broken.

Jiang femmian was about to speak when wen Chao Pop out of nowhere and shouting.
Wen Chao: you!!!! What the fuck have you done here !!!!!!!!! He said while pointing at sizhui who is in the middle of the fight.

Sizhui: ahhhh....why do I always have to deal with this! He said dramatically.
Making lan qiren's eyes widen.

Lan qiren: sizhui stop!!! Your being like your mother!!! He said dramatically.

Wei wuxian: Now your being like me.
Wei wuxian said making lan qiren stop all his movement and eyes widen again.

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