drinking vinegar 2😒

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It was getting dark and they are about to have a family dinner. But wei wuxian was still frustrated about what he just found out.
So he observe the movement of jiang yanli.

Wei wuxian: yahh! Where are they now ?
wei wuxian whisper to the maiden beside him.

Maiden: they are both at kitchen preparing food madam jin yanli also taste what sect leader lan cooked. I just went there they seem to be happy.She said.
"but lan zhan never cooked! Wtf is going on!!!" Wei wuxian thought making himself even more jealous and hold the chopsticks 🥢 tightly.

Xichen and Jiang Cheng sit down on the table and just for a second the other members of the family of lan and Jiang also sit down but then Jin zixuan appears and sit down madly no one knows why except wei wuxian . Then lan zhan and jiang yanli went out to the kitchen being close at each other holding there own cooked food.

Wei wuxian: ahhhh lan zhan! I didn't know you can cook!
What a shame I wasn't the first one to have the taste of it!!!
Wei wuxian said sarcastically.

Making Jiang yanli confused about the attitude of wei wuxian towards her. And lan zhan froze also about how wei wuxian speak and also thought "I never cooked for him at this life, ohhh great I just fuck up!"

"What shocked because you just caught cheating by your wife huh!?"
Wei wuxian thought but doesn't want to speak it out.

Jin zixuan: ohhh wow your lucky chief cultivator lan! My wife allowed you to have a taste of her soup which means you are also special since it's rare for her to cook one. He also said sarcastically.

Which made Chiang Cheng thought"what the fuck are this two up to!"

Madam Yu: ohhh wow yummy come on let's all eat! She said trying to lessen the tention between the two parties.

I Know this is kinda boring but I just have to write what is on my head right now, Sorry.....

Having online class + watching mdzs season 3 at the same time.
Is it what you call multitasking?😉

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