together again.

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(Morning in lotus Pier)

Lan zhan wake up and took a bath after his done he also took wei ying for a bath like he usually do. He undress wei ying and clean him up then change him with fine new clothes. When he lay wei ying into the that's when he woke up.

Wei ying: ehhh lan zhan? You bathed me?
Wei ying ask confused.

Lan zhan: MN.he said in certain.

But lan zhan was shoked at the expression of wei wuxian. Because wei ying's reaction is in disbelief.

Wei ying: ammm .... You never do that before. He said in confused.
Wich made lan zhan think" just what the hell am I in this Life Time?"

Wei ying: by the time we get married you are always been busy and if it's your free time I'm also busy. And your still stoic but now I noticed you kinda change.......

Lan zhan was about to speak when wei ying kneel on him so suddenly and he got shocked." Ahhhhh who are you??!! Where is my husband?! Are you being suppressed by someone?!!!"
Wei ying shout that made the kids wake up from the other room.
With that lan zhan calm him down immediately.

Lz: calm down wei ying I'm not suppressed by anyone.
I Just want to make up for you for all those years.
Lan zhan said and promise to write the clan rules later because of lying.
He doesn't really know why ? Isn't he romantic to wei ying in this Life just what the hell is lan zhan in this Life Time.

After they all are done eating breakfast. wei wuxian said his going to  go out with Jiang Cheng and try to be friends with him while the kids will be playing with jinling. Lan zhan also given another scroll of works Wich make him really busy again and his brother notice that and came in to the room where lan zhan is working.

Lxc: Wangji is there something bothering you?
Xichen ask feeling concerned.

Since lan zhan is almost done so he just put aside all the scroll and made his brother sit-down.
And answer him.

Lz: brother?! I'm a bit worried about something.
Lan zhan said Wich make xichen confused and ask " what is it?" Since he knew his little brother never open up Wich make him kinda weird too.

Lz: brother am I some how unromantic to wei ying?
Lan zhan ask Wich make xichen frown a bit.

Xichen: no a-zhan  you are romantic in your own way and I'm sure wuxian notice that. But it's my fault, sorry a-zhan but the cultivation world needed a person like you to rule the world and then you became busy and no time for wuxian I know I'm selfish knowing you just started your family.

Xichen said looking down.

Lan zhan: brother it's ok this time around I'll find time for my family.
Lan zhan said calmly.

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