how it become us 2 💗

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Wwx: so that day I still fool around when I visit cloud recesses. And your grand uncle qiren doesn't punish me knowing how I make a-zhan happy and doesn't always act like a piece of ice . And lan zhan never had a friend except me .

Wwx: Well it all Change when my aunty made me ready to become a head deciple of wei clan and be my cousin right hand man for a better future of a clan we have to trained very well.
So I never visit lan zhan again but we wrote letters to each other. Hahaha he is really in love with me.

Lan zhan: and I will always be...

Lan zhan said and hold wei wuxian's hand. Making wei wuxian soften in the inside.

Wwx: well it stay like that for 7 years and sooner we all join in a class in cloud recesses. Since that day lan zhan got cold to me and making me follow the rules I got angry at his actions so I kinda distance myself to him for a month.
I got board One day so I explore the woods at the back hill of cloud recesses and that's when I met a-zhan's father again and we talk and I made him out of seclusion. Tsk! When you see your grand uncle qiren that time he looks like about to kneel and thank me. Hahaha!

Jingyi: really mother?! Does grand uncle do that?!

Wwx: well he doesn't he just Thank me sincerely because of his pride hahaha.

Wwx: Well that day Qinghejun spend more time to lan zhan and brother xichen and your grand uncle qiren and I just there sipping tea. He was really fond of me.

Lz: wei ying deserve it.

With that lan zhan stand up from the bed and went close to wei ying and kiss him in his forehead.
Wich make wei wuxian blush.

Wwx: Lan zhan there's kids.

Zishue and jingyi just smile at this getting use to it.

Wwx: well I remember that time too when lan zhan notice I was staying away from him and he got jealous to me talking to other guys and girls hahaha!

So that day when the class is done he grab my hand and pin me on to the wall and kiss me of course do something .... Now you guys are to Young to know about that.

Anyways lan zhan that's when you admit that you like and want to court me to your uncle hahaha his reaction is priceless! But he agreed quickly with no second thought can you believe that!?

Zishue & jingyi: really mother?!

Wwx: of course his really fond of me I told you....

Wwx: so yeah... After some Year we court and got married and have you both. I made a talisman that can get me pregnant though it's really hard to make good thing people from heavenly realms know me and give me the blessing to have you both...

Wei wuxian said happily.

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