lunch with chaotic son and uncle

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while walking At the main hall lan zishue ask for lan zhan to put him down since he was a bit shy.
So lan zhan put him down.
With that he looked at jingyi in a confused gazed.

Jingyi: what? A-niang  wants to carry jingyi.

Wei wuxian: ohh come on zishue hold on to your father so you won't get lost let's go to dinning room.

With that zishue did hold lan zhan hand and lan zhan smile at him calmly.

A few moments and they arrived they saw a lot of food in the table. It really look delicious not and sweet.
Not like the past one.

Lan qiren: tsk! He can walk why still Carry him.

Wei ying: uncle his still a child!

Zishue: grand uncle why is there seasoning on the food and why is there sweet in here aren't this forbidden?

Zishue ask cutely.

Wei ying: ohhh you little radish .... Your still young why don't you enjoy eating food beside that rule is only for adults now not for kid. Come on let's eat.

Lan qiren: this is only allowed for some of the time but not Everytime since you kids needs to eat vegetables when you inside the cloud recesses so that you lans will be strong.

With that they all agree and take there seat and eat.
But jingyi kinda wabble eating his food using chopsticks 🥢.

Jingyi: ahhh I forgot I have small hands!
Jingyi said impatient.

Zishue: no talking while eating jingyi.
Zishue whisper yell at him because it's there first time to eat in lan clans main family dinner table since the family back in the future is a messed.

Lan qiren: your right zishue.
Lan qiren said after he chew his food and look at jingyi.

Wei wuxian: ohhh come in mother's lap a-yi I'll feed you ok?

With that wei wuxian put jingyi on his lap and feed him.

Lan qiren: tsk! He should know the rules.

Lan huliang: qiren come on A-Yi is still young let him have his mother's love. And zishue eat comfortably ok you seem to be a bit shy.

Qiren: fine

Zishue: yes grand pa!

Lan zhan: father ? Is there something I need to do today?

Lan zhan ask since he knows how busy being a sect leader and a chief cultivator is.

Lan qiren: don't worry a-zhan we'll take care of it why don't you have some time with your wife and child.

Lan zhan: thank you uncle

With that jingyi and zishue choked in there food. They were shocked it's the first time they saw qiren being concerned in there relationship.

Wei wuxian: ahhh A-Yi a-yuan drink some wine I mean water!!

Wei wuxian said panicking.

Wei wuxian grab the cup of water and put it on jingyi's leaps for him to drink and same goes to lan zhan since the cup is really big for zishue to grab in his small hand.

Zishue: thank you father.

Lan zhan: MN.

Jingyi: mother I want to eat the chicken 🍗

Wei ying : ok A-Yi. Hmmm my baby really like the chicken.

Qiren: I think you should say thank you first before requesting A-Yi.
Look at your brother. Now say sorry to your moth....hmmm.

Before it cause another fight xichen put a chicken on lan qiren's mouth.

Lan Xichen : uncle the chicken is really delicious too why don't you try hmmmm...

Lan Xichen said trying to lessen the tention.

Wei wuxian: ohhh uncle there is no need for thank and I'm sorry to this family did you forget? hahaha!

Lan huliang: I agree.

With that they all continue eating and lan zhan and wei wuxian together with zishue and jingyi walk to the back hill of cloud recesses where wei wuxian is leading them and they soe
A huge farm field.

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