meeting 2 🤝

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The meeting hall was filled with the sect great cultivators. Containing Nie mingjue , lan xichen sitting beside Jiang Cheng and his family, lan qiren, lan huliang,Nie huaisang, Jin zixuan, sitting to the opposite of them and wei ying lan zhan sitting on the Maine chair while wen Ning and wen qing was sitting behind a little far away from them. While the kids wasn't allowed to come in.

Nmj: I already know huaisang already told me. But I want a proof. He said while looking away at lan zhan the chief cultivator.

Madam Yu: a - Cheng already told me but I think it's just a ridiculous story. How can madam lan do that hmmm?!
She said while smiling at Wei ying fondly.

Wen Qing : Well those kids just tell me the story but I don't know if they are telling the truth....I mean it's not that I'm saying my clan is a good one but demonic cultivation seriously ..... It can cause a lot of disease in you body.
Wen Qing said in disbelief.

Lan qiren: my opinion is desame like them wuxian is a good Man he can't do that it's ridiculous.

Jiang femmian: well I think you need a better explanation chief cultivator lan.

Lan zhan: well whatever they told you is the truth. And I want you all not to take it deep inside of you.
Lan zhan said but it's too late Yu ziyan already fanning her eyes that just tear up and breathing uncomfortable just thinking of what have she done.
And the others just looking down thinking just what the hell there self did in that life that they didn't even protect the first madam lan.

Wei ying just looking at them sadly his throat suddenly felt dry and he can't talk he doesn't even know what to say. Nie mingjue is the first one to talk again.

Nmj: well I guess we need to protect the first madam lan more now to ensure his safety.
He said loud and confidence making everyone agree.

(It was supposed to be lan ying all this time not Wei ying but some might be still confused specially my g-board: -)

Wei ying: ohhhh..... Come on I'm fine now there is no need for that and madam Yu please don't blame your self to much so are you jiang Cheng. our life in here is different now that we know what happened from the different dimensions of our life I hope we learned from it.
Wei ying said making everyone cheer up and smile at him thinking how lucky they are to have him. To protect him might be there obligations but now knowing how kind hearted he is they'll be More happy to die just to save him if ever that happened.

Jiang Cheng: Everyone listen up now wen xu and his wife are our enemy. They want to be the most powerful and be the chief cultivator.
We already have the two peace of yin iron under the care of the LAN's ancestors and the other one is in xuanwu cave . And now we just find out  one is in wen xu's  hand which causes the monster to follow his order.  we have to get back the yin iron and punish them and all the people who's behind the monster attack of some village.

Jiang Cheng said loudly and everyone agrees again. The cultivators stand up and raise the glass and said loudly " to protect the cultivation world!" With that every one toast and drink.

After a while of drinking they got disturbed by a sudden loud sounds coming from the outside. It sounds like people shouting and some objects falling and banging on the ground.

Honestly my plan is to make this story   to only have 18 part's because I only want  Wei wuxian to have a happy life in the story with no worries and pains since I don't know much on how cultivation work.

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