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Wei ying was walking out so lan zhan quickly try to chase him by fast walking.

Wei wuxian: lan zhan stop following me !!! Go away!!!! Wei ying shout at him.
But lan zhan only said no and keep on following him trying to grab his hand
Wei ying notice this and thought" his still following his clan rule so it means he won't run " with that wei wuxian quickly run and dodging some people who was along his way.
When lan zhan saw that he also try to catch up and move faster.

Wei wuxian find a place at the back of lotus pond mountain he saw a water falls and a cave. he wonder so he went inside but all he see was Rock and darkness so he just went outside again but he stop at the very moment hearing a Snake behind him so he quickly looked up at the tree behind him there was a very large snake about to attacked him he Just fall down at the ground and close his eyes preparing to be bite by it.
it was already past a minute but he still doesn't feel any snake bite so he slowly open his eyes and see the snake burn and become ashes.

He looked up and see a very Tall and handsome man his face is stoic with no emotions but his eyes is directly looking at him worried.

Wei wuxian: lan... zhan......
Wei ying said looking at his golden eyes with a sobbing voice.

Lz: MN
He said worried.

With that wei wuxian quickly stand up and hug lan zhan tightly smelling all the sandalwood in his shoulder and calming his self down trying to wipe those tears out of his eyes. When lan zhan saw this he also hugged him tightly and say the word Sorry in calmly voice.

Wei wuxian look at lan zhan's golden eyes and then quickly kiss him on his lips which lan zhan return holding his waste firmly and kissing wei wuxian slowly and lingering.they stay like that for a long time until lan zhan broke the kiss when wei wuxian was getting out of breath.

Wei wuxian: lan zhan .... I love you so much...... I know I shouldn't said those words to her.... But.... I was ... Well I just hate it when I felt like someone is stiling my position as your wife.
Wei wuxian said slowly and then lan zhan hold wei wuxian's face making him look on to him.

Lan zhan: no one will ever take out that position to you wei ying it Will always always be yours ..... My wife.
He said and kiss wei wuxian's forehead gently.

Wei wuxian: you really changed lan zhan.... And I love it....
Wei wuxian said hugging lan zhan tightly again.

I'll try updating daily.

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