freaking out 😂

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Jin ling: grand ma!  your moving so fast I'm so irritated!

Jin ling said just got wake up from his sleeping bed by the loud noise of  Yu ziyan. And it's just 6:00 in the morning.

Yu ziyan: you brat!!! It's already 6:00 now go and have your break fast and help me for the decorations here.

Jiang Cheng: what's with the decorations?

Jiang yanli : did you forget a-cheng today is your official meeting with your future husband xichen?

Jiang yanli said making Jiang Cheng wake up in blushing madness shouting"what?! "  (Yup Jiang Cheng knows his gonna marry him in this Life Time since his the first one to time travel and wake up among all of them so he also love xichen already when they were together for 2 weeks )

Jiang Cheng

: Why didn't I know this!

: Grab some special tea!

: Hey! Clean the rooms!

: Jinling get dressed! why are you still in you morning clothes!

Jiang Cheng shouting while running back to his room to clean his self up.😂
Yu ziyan: hurry up!!! Ahhhh! I don't know why is the lan clan are such an early wake uppers!!!

Jin zixuan: tsk! He really Acts like a girl.

Jiang Cheng: damn you peacock !! I can hear you!!!!

Jiang Cheng shout making the whole family laugh at the scenes.

Jinling: ammm who's coming today?
Jinling ask confused because in there future life his uncle doesn't have significant others.

Jiang femmian: it's lan xichen and his family. A-ling.

Jinling: what?! My uncle is a gay ?!
Jingling said loosing all his braincells.

Madam Yu: and not just that the chief cultivator  is coming too, together with his wife ahhh the great  first madam lan I never met him in person but he is really smart they say and very humorous .

Jiang femmian: and I also heard he made such an amazing inventions his parents must be so proud of him.

Madam Yu: of course they will be there son just married the chief cultivator and sect leader of lan clan what an achievement!.

Jiang fengxing(cousin of Jiang Cheng)
- but the chief cultivator is indeed great but scary his so stoic he doesn't even smile! Her wife is a pitty they probably meried because of money!

Jin zixuan: hey don't speak like that!?

Jiang fengxing- what I'm just guessing!

Madam Yu : you brat !!! Then stop guessing !! Such a useless opinion!

Jiang yanli: the Sect leader of lan might be stoic and doesn't smile or talk much to other people but he might be soft inside. Like they say the rock might be hard and steady but what composed him inside is a pure grain of sand. So he might be kind and loving to his wife .

Jiang yanli said knowing that is lan zhan the great hangguang-jun who really love his little Xian Xian.

Jin zixuan: that's right, beside the lan has a saying that "a lan Will only Fall onece" they're so loyal with there other half .

Jiang flexing: ok how about his wife aren't he a man the issue said he can control monster and really really powerful isn't he scary!?

Jiang femmian: and where did you heard this?

Jiang fengxing : in Jin cla.....
Before he could finish the sentence Jiang yanli put a sliced of pie in his mouth. And everyone shut there mouth and look at Jin zixuan.

Jin zixuan: come on it's fine! The alliance of the Jin's and lans might be broken now but I'm trying hard to mend it.

Jinling: this is all because of my fucking Grand father jinguashan again ahhhh I'm so done with this!!!!!

Jiang femmian: a-ling your too young for cursing now who teaches you that!!!!

Madam Yu : and I'm sure one day it's going to be mend Cheer up a-xuan.
And jinling go and change properly and help us here come on let's finish this decorations a-li your assign for the food and a-xuan Jiang fengxing check if everything outside the house is fine.

Jiang yanli: yup A-niang

Jin zixuan & Jiang fengxing: will do!

With that they all prepared and decorate. Before the visitors come.

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