about the past.💔

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After the meeting and preparing for everything to do tomorrow lan zhan Walk up early and went out side to breathe some fresh air and think.

Lan zhan was sitting beside the high tree looking at an endless sea. Sun was about to rise and the darkness starting to fade but his mind is still full of dark memories making him confused if his going to tell him or not. Considering how Wei ying is happy now. his life is better beside him smiling like sunshine without lie's.But then there was a hand that pulled him out of his confusion.

Wei ying: lan zhan......
He said looking directly in his eyes worried.

Lan zhan Pat the ground beside him telling him to seat down. So Wei wuxian quickly sit down beside him and lower his head on lan zhan shoulder also looking at sunrise.
But then lan zhan suddenly speak out with a low voice.

Lan zhan: wei ying..... What if the future wasn't supposed to be like this? What if I wasn't been able to protect and support you during those hardship of your life.
Lan zhan said looking at Wei ying's eyes.

Which wei wuxian answered back calmly.
Wei ying: lan zhan.... I Know you and I believe you, no matter what decisions you make I will always support you and if I lost my life because of that every reasons that comes from you is accepted.
Wei ying said assured.

Lan zhan: Wei ying..... What if I tell you that I was from the different future of our life, where I couldn't protect you in our past from everything before it hurts you, I was that lan zhan that wasn't been able to speak out for you, that Lan zhan who give up everything only after when you die......" Lan zhan said with eyes tearing up with unstable breathing.
That makes Wei ying even more worried and said.

Wei ying: lan zhan..... Having mistakes and regrets in life is what makes us human. Beside Dead people receive more gifts than a living one's because regret is stronger than gratitude.
Now! Like I said I believe you! Why don't you tell me about this different future hmmmm?
Wei ying said and smile at lan zhan like a bright sunshine.
Melting the cold ice of lan zhan's heart.

So lan zhan told him everything that happened in the future which is completely different of the life he was having now. Lan zhan told him how they first met, how they experience Life and deaths together, how the death of other people causes the death of another, how he died and revive again it was very tragic that Wei ying's eye started to tear up and hold lan zhan's hand.

lan zhan n...
Wei ying said sadly making lan zhan stop from telling him the story.

Wei ying: lan zhan .... I don't want to know more .... about it.. it hurts...
Life in here is better now... You don't have to be worried about anything. Beside the past will remain in there it won't change. Whatever happens in the future and now, you and I will still be desime. The lan zhan from my past is you and the lan zhan from your past was still you and so am I.
Wei ying said looking directly at lan zhan's eyes.

With that they hug each other and celebrate because until now they are still together making mistakes and getting out of it together.

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