traveling 😟

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It was another early morning in lan clan. But a very noisy one in the jingshi.

Wei ying: lan zhan! grab some water just in case our kids are trusty!

Lz: MN.

: A-zhan the cookies don't forget them!

Lz: MN

: husband Grab some extra clothes!

Lz: MN

Wei wuxian: ahhh how's my little jingyi do you like your bath hmmm..hmmm.
Wei wuxian said while washing jingyi.

Wei wuxian: ahhh! A-yuan put some sun protection in your skin ok!

Sizhui: yes A-niang!

Lan zhan: wei ying where's the gift 🧧

Wei wuxian : it's on the table Don't Forget about that too lan zhan ahhh I can't wait to meet some of our true alliance.wei wuxian said happily.

(At the cloud recesses gate)

Lan qiren: ahhhh what's taking them so long!!! Are they packing the whole house?!

Lan qiren said impatient.

Lan huliang : come on brother they have kids.

Lan qiren: ahhh it might be that jingyi again his so slow in moving.

Lan Xichen : and how are you so sure uncle? Hmm?

Lan Xichen said so done with his uncle's blaming.

Zishue: greetings grand uncle , grand father and uncle xichen but jingyi is still not done bathing 🧼 sorry for making you wait.

Lan qiren: ahah! I told you xichen!!!

Lan Xichen just rolled his eyes seeing how childish his uncle is.

Lan huliang : it's ok a-yuan come here sit down and let's wait for them.

After some few minutes they showed up . lan zhan is carrying jingyi in his arm while holding wei wuxian's waist on his other arm's.

Wei wuxian: we're here did we make you wait that long?

Lan qiren: no but your little son did!
Lan qiren said looking at the sleeping jingyi on lan zhan's shoulders.

Lan Xichen: uncle! (Xichen whisper yell )ohh it's ok wuxian come on let's go.

Wei ying : come here zishue your such a Early wake upper like your father. Come on I'll carry you in my sword.

Sizhui: yes A-niang!

So they all ride there sword with wei wuxian carrying zishue and lan zhan carrying a drooling jingyi.

When they reach lotus Pier they quickly went down and there's a guard and servant's who can serve them.

Jingyi: ehhh where here already?
Jingyi said confused because he just wake up from lan zhan's shoulder.

Lan qiren: yes ... If you weren't sleeping you might be aware of yo..... Ahhh Wangji he drowls on your clothes!!

With the loud voice of lan qiren Jingyi was completely awake and kinda got scared

Jingyi: ahhhh! I'm sorry hangguang-jun! Sorry! I'm really sorry!

Lan zhan: it's ok... Calm down .
Lan zhan said while patting jingyi's back .

Wei wuxian: uncle....  Stop being dramatic of course I have extra clothes here for my husband he can change later. And jingyi call him father no need to be so formal ok you too sizhui!

Sizhui& jingyi: yes A-niang!

Lan Xichen: that's right whatever you're father's position is his still your father. No need to be shy sizhui and jingyi there is no need for you to be scared when you did some mistakes.

Lan zhan: MN
Lan zhan said confirming the statement so jingyi calm down and sizhui agreed.

Lan huliang: ahhh my son's Will be a good father.
Now come on kids let's meet your uncle xichen's wife.

Everyone: MN!!!!

Lan qiren Just chuckles at this but deep inside he was happy very happy because they just raise a big and happy family not like the time when there is only him and his brother since they don't have other friends and alliance
When there  parents Left them.

It's my first year high school and it was very stressful. cheers!🍷

my g-board keeps on correcting me It was supposed to be sizhui not zishue😅 I'm really sorry, I'll find time to edit it.

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