met you again 🥺

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When the lan family arrived at the main gate of Jiang there's another deciple and maidens coming on there way.

Jiang Deciples: master lan the room for the other lan Deciples is ready while you & your families room is still getting fixed.

Jiang maiden: masters we are sorry but kindly go inside in the main hall for the meantime while we prepare your rooms.

Xichen: it's ok we will go there please don't be sorry.
Xichen said calmly and the servant's is already fond of him being there sect leader one day if he married there currently sect leader Jiang.

Lan huliang: ok come on let's get in!

With that they all went in and seat down at the main hall and the servant's serves them food and drinks.

Lan zhan: A-yuan A-Yi drink water first before drinking juice

Zishue & jingyi: yes father!

Wei wuxian: ahhh! My husband is really good now can you cadle your wife please.

Lz: MN

But before lan zhan could do something lan qiren cough and said"there are other people here"with that lan zhan just put his hand on wei wuxian's waist.

After eating the maidens lead them to there rooms for them to change and go to the main families living room.
To meet with the Jiang's.

Wei wuxian past the pure white clothes to lan zhan it was really clean and we'll ironed . " Here husband go change you know jingyi is still a child he get tired Easley and  started drawling he is really more just like me hahaha"

Lan zhan look at him and grab the clothes and hug wei wuxian and kissed him in his forehead. " I have a great wife name lan ying" lan zhan said and smile at wei ying making him blush.

So they all change and went to the living room to meet with the Jiang's.

(In living room)

Jiang fengxing: aunty don't you think the First madam lan is strick and  scary too.

Madam Yu: wtf!!! Just calm down and wait for them you brat stop blibering around!

Jiang Cheng: everyone stop there here!!
Jiang Cheng whisper yell.

Then lan xichen come in together with lan huliang and lan qiren.

The Jiang family  stand up and bow to greet them. "Masters we're happy to meet you!"

Lan qiren: us to master Jiang.

Madam Yu: ammm is the great chief cultivator isn't coming?

Xichen: no they are here to meet you too. Madam jiang.

Then lan zhan come in and everyone shivers because he was so handsome and young but his face is so expression less.

Jiang fengxing: I told you his Abit scary! He whisper yell at madam Yu.

Madam Yu : shut up .
She said in a very low angry voice.

Then there's another appearance that come in making Jiang Cheng Jiang yanli tears up A bit.

Wei ying: greetings everyone! sorry me and my husband are late!

Wei wuxian said happily making everyone inside the room fall for him because wei ying is so feminine and pretty  that you can mistaken him for a women.
But also because of that lan zhan started to glares at people who looks at wei wuxian.

Madam Yu: ahhh! First madam lan it's pleasure to finally meet you.

Madam Yu said so amaze at the beauty of the first madam lan.

Jiang fengxing: it looks like the chief cultivator really doesn't have a low taste I mean just look at his wife.

Jin zixuan: tsk!! Of course his handsome why would he Fall for someone that is ugly.

Jiang yanli: zixuan every one is pretty now both of you shut up.

So they both shot up and bow at the chief cultivator and madam lan.

Xichen: Wangji, wuxian, I want you to meet Jiang Cheng the sect leader of Jiang clan my soon to be wife.

Wei wuxian: hahaha Nice to meet you jiang Cheng! Wei wuxian said happily and full smile on his face melting the heart of Jiang Cheng he never see his brother smile like that before without pain on his eyes.

Jiang Cheng: nice to meet you again .........wuxian.

Then Jiang Cheng started to get watery eyes and started to cry .

Xichen: a-cheng are you ok? Xichen ask worried.

Jiang Cheng: yes I'm fine there's just some sand in my eyes.

With that xichen and Jiang Cheng excuse there self and went out of the room for him to get some air.

After the family dinner they all went back to their own rooms. To have some rest.

*First Madam lan*
That will be wei ying since there is no other madam lan in this generation.
Just like the way how the princess took over the queen's position if she die. I'm making this an excuse because.... Well I simply don't know.

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