how it become us💗

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When they all release from the hug they all take there seat from the bed.

Lz: wei ying I kinda forgot some .... Well everything that happened and kinda confused. Can you tell me how did we get together and more.

Wwx: hmmmm....... Dogs really are a monster look they even made you forgot our memories. Ahhhh good thing lan clan doesn't allow pet in here.

Wei wuxian smile faintly on lan zhan and sit indian style on bed and grab zishue making him sit down on his right leg and jingyi on the left side making there head lay on wei wuxian's shoulder.

Wwx: guess what kids! Do you want to hear the story on how your father and I met and get meried.
And how did I born you knowing I was a man.

The both of them nooded. interesting on how did there parents love story at this life time.

Wwx: well when I was 3 and my parents was still alive my mother and a-zhan's mother were friends while our father is acquaintance. And your grand uncle qiren was very fond of my father his just like a-zhan strick and stoic but soft in the inside.

Wwx: One day my mom take me to cloud recesses and that's when I knew a-zhan. I was taller than him that time hahaha!

Wwx: But also that day I knew he has a soft spot in my heart and same goes to him. (Wwx giggle 🤭)he even let me chew his forehead ribbon.

Wwx: When I was 5 my mother and father died because they were eat by wolves.
And I live on the street your father was roming around that time and when saw me he immediately give me some food and the coat he was wearing and I explain everything that happened. He was sad so he made me go to cloud recesses and when his uncle saw he immediately insisted that I should live here.

This statement made them all shocked like "what the hell lan qiren looks like so fond of wei ying"

Wwx: Of course I couse a lot of trouble in the clan at first and ain't following about those thousands of clan rules and having fun being friend of your father. But you know what lan qiren never punish me hahaha!

Jingyi: really Grand uncle qiren doesn't punish you mother?!

Wwx: well sometimes but not Everytime. He already know his rules is boring. Hahaha he even like my cooking tsk! Who's the boss now? of course me! Hahaha.

Wwx: Though one day my aunty from my father side come to take me I really love my aunty too so I have to go back from wei sect. To continue our families legacy.

Wwx: Your father was sad but I promise him that I Will visit him. So he became happy again.

Though I visit him rarely since I also has my study in our clan.

Wwx: But it all Change when your father's mother died your uncle qingheng-jun Lock himself too anyone. And a-zhan insisted to wait for her mother to open the door but she'll never open the door because she's already dead but your father doesn't understand that that time and no one is brave enough to explain it to him.

Wwx: And the snow is starting to fall and all the surrounding started to frozen and lan zhan still kneeling outside the door.
So I'm the one who explain it to him that she was already gone. And he believes me and cry on my shoulder. His uncle thanks me for that.

Zishue: mother you are so patient to father.

Wwx: of course your father deserve all the kindness in the world.

Lz: and so is wei ying ....

Lan zhan said smiling making wei ying blush.

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