two idiot sitting on the bench!

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While Wei ying's husband and the other great masters are having meeting without Jin zixuan 🤣😭

Now wei wuxian is walking to the pond wondering where the heck is his husband, kids and the other sect leader that just came in since they are not at the meeting Hall and nowhere to be found.
It was an early morning in lotus Pier. The breeze was really great and the weather was fine to walk around for a bit. He was relieved when  he saw Jin zixuan on the edge of the bench throwing some small Rock on the pond casually."at least I'm not alone now" he thought

Jin zixuan: I know your looking at a handsome man right now! Why don't you seat down beside him hmmm?

Wei wuxian: handsome man you say huh? I wonder who's that is.
Wei wuxian Said teasingly and seat beside him.
Wei wuxian: so why are you here anyways.. When the other sect leader was no where to be found?

Jin zixuan: well I like to visit nature rather than going to a party or  market place and buy expensive things.

Wei wuxian: Now That's a Nice way to say I'm poor! Hahaha.....
He said teasingly.

Jin zixuan: You!! Tsk! .......
But you know what? Being a sect leader was my great dream when I was young but now..... It's just too complicated to handle.... About The other sect leader I think they are having a meeting without me since Jin clan is now on it's bad reputation.
He said then look at the edge of the pond with Pain in the eyes.

Wei wuxian: yeah you're right but come on! Jin clan might be discriminated now in cultivation world but soon enough they'll forget it. Beside it wasn't you at fault it was your father not you and the lan and Jin clan alliance will soon be fixed trust me.
With that he winked at him and also look at the edge of the pond like it's an never ending flow of water.

Jin zixuan: chief cultivator Lan is really lucky to have you at his side because someone like you can make him laugh when he is already stressed.

Wei wuxian: ahhhh zixuan since we became classmates you really never tell me nice things until now.
Wei wuxian said and lean his left arm to zixuan shoulder.

Jin zixuan: what?! It means you look like a clown that's why you can make him laugh. It's an insult you idiot!

Wei wuxian: you!!!!
Wei wuxian said trying to calm his self down .
Ahhhh you know what! Just to be honest I really get so much emotional when you're not around.
He said sarcastically.

Jin zixuan: ohhh really?.....

Wei wuxian: yesss! And that emotion Is called  happiness!!!

Wei wuxian said making Jin zixuan stand up and about to hit him so Wei wuxian quickly run away making Jin zixuan chase him.

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