1. Trouble is here

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The door has been knocked continuously without rest and June impatiently woke up, his eyes still half-closed, hair dishevelled, pyjamas wrinkled he cursed under his breath "Here we go again"

He opened the apartment door with an expected figure outside with a familiar sulky face. She wore a lavish red one piece with a fully makeup face and smelled alcohol from top to bottom.

June didn't say anything but took the big suitcase that was with her and cleared the door way for her to enter.

She plopped on to the couch at once and impatiently went through her purse to find something with no success. Her sulky face became grumpy now. But soon a smile spread across her face when June handed her over a small white band as if he knew that she is looking for something to tie her hair up. Whenever April is feeling angry and sulky she hates the touch of hair around her. June knows this very well.

After tying her hair up in a bun she left a sigh of relief as she leaned down a little on to the couch.

June handed over a glass of water which she drank it with no complains.

June sat across her with no expression as if he's is waiting for her to speak first.

"Mum and I had a fight over rolling mines again"

"How many days this time?"

April didn't say anything but gave a wide grin. Somehow June felt it's not going to end well this time.

April Parker and June Egan are so called bffs who doesn't have anything in common except they are named after the months.

Looking back this is the very reason why they became friends in the first place.

April is the only heir for the seventh generation of Billionaire Parker's family. She is a spoiled brat, a trouble maker. If you ask her mother there wouldn't be a single good thing about her that can be heard.

On the other hand, June is an orphan who lives by himself in a small apartment left by his parents near the river alley. In his otherwise calm and quiet life the only calamity comes and goes is April.

"Did you eat anything?" June asked.

"I can just have the leftovers you don't need to prepare anything special for me" April sat straight with a happy face now.

"Well I wasn't going to" he walked towards the refrigerator and gave her a bowl of cold pasta.

"You could have atleast heated this thing up" she wrinkled her nose.

"Then why don't you go back to the mansion, there will be people to prepare the food for you according to your needs" June's gaze fixed on April.

"Aye, no need for that, don't you know how much I love to eat cold pasta after fighting with mum on a windy autumn night with no where to go?" She put a spoon of cold pasta into her mouth and the coldness spread throughout her mouth giving her a little brain freeze.

June sighed shaking his head sidewards and pulled away the cold pasta bowl from her hands.

"I'll make some scrambled eggs" he walked towards the kitchen.

April suppressed the smile on her face and laid down again on the sofa relaxed "Don't forget to add ketchup"

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