5. Trouble's secret

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"Ri, whose baby it is?" April inquired curiously.

"Um?" Ri was confused.

"That...that cherry red sports bike which is parked in front" whispered April.

"Ah that...Roy's I suppose" she said with no expression whatsoever.

That's it! with that face, he's a racer too? Don't say anymore April's face lit as she cleaned the glass with more enthusiasm than one could have while cleaning glass doors.

"You can close the shop after the shift, I will take care of the opening tomorrow" June gave some instructions to Ri.

"Yes June," she said, this time her face showed a little pleasant expression.

"How's Roy? Do you think he fits the job?" June asked.

"I think he is fine, punctual, quick learner" Ri answered.

"Um good, bear with me a few more weeks, I'll get more hands on the deck soon," he said as he handed over the keys.

"Ufff finally" April plopped on the sofa and tied her hair up sipping on the warm lemon tea.

"I'm making a Rice bowl for dinner" June stated more like he asked if April is okay with it.

"Of course anything you make is good" April replied while her hands were busy searching all her racer groups for Roy's face to pop up.

"Interesting" she shook her head as she found no trace of him.

"What?" June asked cutting the veggies.

"Nothing" she just shook her head. April had promised June that she wouldn't touch racing again. If he knows she is looking for racing stuff again he'd kill her. Wait, does June knows Roy is a racer? If so, why would he hire him? In any case, she thought she must keep it a secret that she is aware of Roy's racing habit.

"What is it? Are you keeping any secrets from me?" June pointed the knife at her in a funny way. She knows that expression of April when she's up to some mischief.

"Aye Aye sir, I told you I wouldn't cause any trouble" April shut down the tablet and got up from the couch and went near the kitchen counter where June is cutting vegetables.

"Let me help" she took another knife from the cabinet to help June. But soon she left an "Ah" as her small wound from the morning was hurt from the friction.

June's expression suddenly turned sour. He took off the knife from her and led her towards the couch again pressing down on her shoulders.

Within a second, he's back with the first aid kit and applied for some medicine on the pinkish-red areas on her finger silently.

This caring side of June had never changed over these years. Though he usually looks like he didn't mean it he still cares a lot about April. But he doesn't want to spoil her so he usually tries not to show his good intentions out loud. Luckily, his natural stoic expressionless face goes along with this.

"Learn well from Ri, you'll be cleaning that cage again next week," June said as he finished applying the ointment.

"What? Again? Did you see that demon of a parrot even? Obviously, it hates me, what if it pokes in my eye or something next time?" April cried out loudly obviously over-exaggerated.

"It does if it does, you have to make sure it doesn't" June shrug his shoulders casually as he turned towards the kitchen again while April's mouth hung open.

Right then June got a call from a familiar number and his expression darkened.

Meanwhile in the Parker mansion, "How's April doing?" Tim asked as he adjusted his eyeglasses.

"She's doing fine dad, I gave her the card and things like you said" Dew smiled.

"Let me know if she needs anything else and don't tell your aunt about this," said Tim.

"Of course. I think she's  really fine though. She even started working for June" Dew cut the steak in front of him with the knife.

"I see, everything turned out good then, she can stay low for a while till Mrs Parker's anger is subdued. Is everything alright in the store?" Tim filled the water cup in front of Dew with care. If anyone sees them like this no one would think Dew is not Tim's own son.

"Yeah I think she'll be fine for a while, June is there so we can be rest assured" Dew ate the delicious steak as he thought of Roy inwardly as long as the stuck-up guy don't stir up any trouble everything shall be okay.


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