14. Trouble starts

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"Let's mind our own business" June sighed slightly and stepped forward to meet some other familiar faces.

"What snake?" Maddy asked curiously.

"That one there in the black dress wagging her tail for attention" April rolled her eyes.

"Isn't that Miss Julie Victor? the CEO of our Whitlock med?" asked Ace.

"Hmph! whatever she is, she owes everything to June" April fired like a cracker.

"Alright, first let's take a seat at that corner and explain everything slowly alright?" Ace pushed April's shoulder while Maddy locked arms with April.

"So what's up with June, you and that Julie and how come we only know about her now?" Maddy inquired.

"You know that June and I were inseparable till high school..."

"Of course, everyone does" Maddy reassured.

"Then he went to Winterford business school"

"Yeah he did"

"I almost followed him there, but June reprimanded me that I should choose something that I'm passionate about. But I always used to look forward to the vacations to visit him."

"We know that you never for once celebrated the new year with us in those four years"

"Julie was in the same class as him and they dated."

"Wait what?? June and Julie Victor dated???" Maddy was shocked. Ace's expression was incomprehensible.

Ace signed to lower her tone so as not to draw attention from the others in the gala.

"Yeah, I was super shocked at first as well, I mean obviously she's way out of my June's league," said April.

"Oh, you took it like that" Maddy suppressed a laugh.

"What do you mean?" April glared.

"Nothing, continue" Maddy pleaded.

"Anyways, I always felt that they are so different and thought she is not the right person for him. But anyways since June likes her, I'm happy for him that there is someone beside him. Especially you know Winterford is for elites and it might be hard for him to find friends there. So they dated for four years when he was there."

"Four years, how come we never knew that?" Maddy is surprised again.

"Well you know June is quite a private person and he wanted to keep it low-key. Anyways, during the last year, I met up with June to celebrate his graduation. Julie said she's busy with something and cannot meet up. After the party, I went to their place along with June to meet Julie. Then we found a note on the tea table with a set of keys on top of it"

"Is it from Julie? what does it say?" Maddie was so excited as if she was at a cliffhanger of a story.

"It said Goodbye. Can you believe she just broke up with him and ghosted him like that?"

"What? did she actually do that?"

"Yeah, she did. I was almost infuriated to death that night. I was about to call Uncle Tim to have a search party sent out for her, how dare she hurt June like that? But anyways you know June, he reprimanded me not to cause any inconvenience for her in the future. The project proposal which made her get into Whitlock industries is actually June's. When I heard her being elected as the CEO of Whitlock med, I wanted to ask mum to talk to your dad and stop it but yeah I gave my word to June. Anyways I hated her ever since. June never talked about her after that day and neither did I and almost forgot about her over the years until she appeared yesterday" April explained the situation with the car further. How June helped her on the highway the other day.

"Maybe she has her reasons to do that" Ace commented.

"Who are you backin up Ace, she's a despicable snake" April roared.

"I guess the snake came to get back it's prey now" Maddy slowly pointed at the two people talking in distance.

"Hi, June, I didn't expect to find you here," said Julie.

"Yeah came here on some work" June responded dryly.

"You look good tonight" she sized up June's attire and registered it was quite different from his usual style.

"Thanks" June gave a reserved smile and didn't continue the conversation any further.

"Uh... I didn't get to thank you properly yesterday," Julie tried to keep up the conversation.

"It's no big deal" June's eyes wandered around as if he cannot see directly at her.

"Uh...let me buy you a drink as my thanks" Julie smiled a little.

"I don't think you need to buy any, there is enough liquor around here, Miss Victor, besides it is not proper to invite someone else's boyfriend for a drink" April came in between.

Julie is taken aback, her pupils dilated out of surprise so did June's.

"Wh..you two.." Julie couldn't phrase it properly.

"Yeah, of course, we two. Unlike someone, I know how to care for valuable things. Common baby, let's go there" April tugged at June's sleeve wanting to take him away from there before giving any chance to him to talk any further.

"How come I don't know you two are dating ?" a masculine yet timid voice came from behind.

April is utterly flabbergasted at the sight of the person.

"The trouble has started" Maddy sighed as Ace nodded his head in approval.


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