7. Trouble is in danger

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June is a man of strong demeanour but he has one weakness which April knew very well. His body is very vulnerable to tickles. June laughed as if he's crying from the sensation due to tickles yet couldn't stop April from torturing further.

"Alright alright, it's my fault let go this time, I'll do whatever you say" June gave in. In fact, June is a quite strong man and can easily shove away April but there is no way he would do that to her. So he agreed to defeat and surrendered his arms.

"Oh my oh my, see it looks like it wants to kill me, June please we know each other for all our lives, you owe me this, I will do anything except getting near to that demon" April fake cried rubbing on her hair which has been gripped by the claws of the parrort previously and now dishelved like tattered feathers of the parrot.

June closed his eyes as he sighed. Honestly if it's not for April being born in a billionaire family she wouldn't probably last even a day in the outside world.

I had to do this, June remembered his promise.

"Alright, clean the ceiling here" June took April to the aquarium block.

April whined and picked up the ladder and started to clean the ceiling. All of a sudden the ladder shook slightly. April didn't pay much attention to that and continued cleaning.

Suddenly it started to shook more than slightly and the bolts came off and before she even knew she's about to fall down. If it's just the floor probably she'd suffer some wounds but right at that moment a pair of father and son were there in the aquarium section. The kid pushed down the aquarium by mischief while the father is busy talking to June at a distance.

"Ahhh" the kid and April screamed almost at the same time. Within a few seconds numerous glass pieces are going to peirce through her entire body. She could die if she's injured at any critical places.

"April" horror settled on June's face as he saw she's about to fall into the broken glass pieces.

April's eyes closed tight as her body is about to fall down. Suddenly a pair of hands grabbed her tightly.

April shook constantly, her breath shaky. All she could see is the broad chest where her face is buried. After a moment she lifted her head to find it's Roy who's holding her.

Roy walked out of the broken glass area and let down April slowly.

"You okay?" asked Roy.

"Yes, thanks Roy" said April.

Roy just nodded his head in indifference and turned to clean up the glass pieces.

"Careful" April blurted out, an invisible pink blush can be seen on her face.

"Are you okay,? Did you get hurt anywhere? Let's go to hospital" a vein popped on June's forehead and his voice almost mad with rage and pain.

"June, I'm okay" April twirled around a bit "see I'm really okay" she reassured.

When June heard April's cry earlier, he is at a distance talking with the customer dad. He has run quite a bit to reach her in time and stop the mishap but he's quite far from her.

"You okay?" the kid's dad almost appeared a few seconds later than June.

"I'm really sorry for what he did" the dad apologized to April profoundly and offered to pay the damage fees to which April didn't agree and let go of the kid and his dad.

"Ri please take care of the store for me" June dragged April with her to the car.

"I said I can work" April resisted.

"You...why didn't you get off the ladder when you noticed it was a little shaky?"

"I...I just..."

"You don't need to come to the store from tomorrow onwards" he said determined.


"I asked you first to help and now I'm saying I don't need your help anymore" June's voice agitated.

April could see how much June was shook at the incident earlier. Even she herself wasn't that scared as she's used used play with life and death situations during the races. But June is not like that he'll probably blame himself for this and April doesn't want that to happen.

"I am going keep my word. I'll work here, remember? Yesterday you said you'll do whatever I say"

"Bu.." before June said April held the June's cheeks in her hand and squeezed them stopping him from talking. He looked a little funny like that.

"No buts, it's decided then, besides if i don't work here I'll get bored and if I pick up racing again don't blame me later" April winked playfully. June couldn't say anymore when he heard the word racing. If she will fall in danger he prefers atleast it shall be in his presence .

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