17. Troublesome

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"Wake up already" April's hand is shook vigorously.

"We are getting late, wake up" the same voice annoyed her. But she can never really get annoyed with that voice.

April rubbed her eyes and yawned loudly before getting off the bed.

"I'll wait for you outside, come quick" June left the room.

Last night, June waited till mid night and went to his room quietly afterwards.

On the second floor of the same hotel, another figure woke up annoyed, his honey dew eyes still looked drunk.

With a knock on the door, his assistant came in with some hangover cure.

Once his head is cleared, Dew remembered the wolf life eyes and tall person who carried him to his room last night.

Is he dreaming? Why would Roy be here? Did he come along with June and April?

With a muddy memory, Dew checked his phone. There is a message from April saying to meet her before the conference morning session starts.

As per the message Dew did meet with April. He looked at the her with an inexplicable expression.

April explained the entire situation to Dew.

"April, is this really necessary. I don't mean to comment about June's and miss Victor's personal life, but is it really okay for you to be involved with, just think of it"

"No Dew, some one has to teach a lesson to that snake. How dare she thinks she can come and go in June's life whenever she feels like! She's trying to get close to him again only to break his heart!" April is hot headed.

"Still you don't need to pretend like fake lovers, this is not a movie, it's real life, you cannot just do things like that"

"You know if this April Parker decides to do something, she will. I am not like one of those fake friends. I will protect my June from that snake. I am going to avenge him" April has a determined demeanor.

"What will you do about the rumours? There are many people at the conference who know you"

"They also know June, it is not new for them seeing us like this. All you have to do just make sure if mum and grandma asks about it, just say it's the same old rumours, okay?"

"Yeah...but just think one more time, I think it's troublesome to meddle in between their matters without knowing the full picture. It looks like they are still amicable to each other.."

"Amicable my ass, she's just as arrogant as ever. Anyways, end of the discussion. Be ready for my presentation today. You're gonna get more surprised" April winked playfully.

Dew smiled dryly. "Uh..April, only June and you came here? No one else came along with you?"

"Who else will come?" April asked puzzled.

"I..I mean anyone else from the pet store?"

"Nope, just us" April shrugged.

"I see" Dew rubbed his chin.


"According to the statistics released by Winterford University psychology department, more than half of the pet lovers never get one because of the practical reasons and life style restrictions. But they all love to spend time with pets for a short time. So we are extending our store to a pet Cafe where people can spend time with pets. If someone wants to buy them after spending time they can. Someone with pets can also come here to have companion to their pets. Further our Egan & Co strategy is to spread awareness of pet care and vaccinations and for that we are looking for collaboration with some best veterinary services around. A win win for all..."

A loud applause in the room and April immediately attracted some potential investors.

After lots of presentations and intellectual discussions it's time for the evening conference dinner.

"You did really good April" June looked very proud.

"Anything for my frie...anything for you baby" April changed her words quickly after noticing Julie who is sitting across them.

"Uh uh" June coughed flustered. "I'll go get some drinks" he rose up in hurry.

Suddenly a guest who was a little drunk fumbled and dashed June.

"Even nobodies are allowed to win things which are supposed to be ours," he roared after recognizing June. He was sour that June got first prize on first day and he was the runner up. Further today, June also managed to attract the investors whom he wanted to.

June didn't want to pay any attention to him and started to walk off. But he was obstructed by the drunk man again.

"Who organized this shit even? Egan & co? I have never heard of such a billionaire family before.Which gutter did you even come from?" This time his voice even louder.

April's ears burned at the vicious bullying June is undergoing. Fumes arose in her eyes as she stood up furiously.

"Mr. Lawrence, looks like you're drunk and forgot, let me remind you respectfully, whatever you are is your family's backing to you, without it you wouldn't even worth a penny. But Mr. Egan is a self made man and an alumni of Winterford. He can beat you in any venture you can imagine. I suggest you headout with your graviences to the gutter that you came from."

The entire hall stunned at the bold words and those words came from none other than Julie. Before April interfered to teach the drunk guy a lesson, to everyone's surprise Julie is the one to act first.


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