Chapter 11 ~ Leon's birthday *Part 3*

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As Federico was smiling at Danny dancing with Camila and Broduey, Ludmila walked up to him.

Ludmila: *Looking at Danny* He looks so happy; do you think we are being great parents?

Federico: *Looking at Danny* I'm not sure Ludmila but going on tour for five months isn't going to help him know what's going on in his life, so Leon's right just because are having problems doesn't mean I have to run away, we must think of that little boy now.

Ludmila: What are you saying, Federico?

Federico: I'm saying that I'm not going on tour but that doesn't mean we are going to get back together, I will still be seeing my son just not living under the same roof.

Ludmila: Oh, really? Well, what if I stop you seeing Danny mm, and I go live with my dad in Africa away from you and mom?

Federico looked at her madly.

Federico: No, you are not stopping me from seeing my boy, he is my son Ludmila.

Ludmila: Well, what have I got to keep me here Federico. Just like Violetta I have nothing left to live here for the studio is over and our relationship is over, and I can't live here with my son and watch you move on it will hurt too much, and like you said I need to be there for my son.

Federico: We both need to be there for him Ludmila, he needs his father around.

Ludmila: Why? So, he can hear us not getting along or him having a stepmom or a stepdad no Federico I have been through that my entire life, and I don't want my son to grow up that way, just like Violetta didn't want Grace and Leo to grow up around the world well I don't want Danny to grow up the way I did.

Federico: *Tries to walk away* I don't want to hear this right now.

Ludmila: Well, I've said my peace and I'm going to book the flights for Africa at the end of the week and start packing, where I need to leave now.

When Ludmila said that Federico gulped hard, he couldn't believe that Ludmila would take Danny away from him.  

Meanwhile, it was getting late so the party was nearly ending, Violetta went with Ludmila to get Leon's birthday cake when the lights went out, they could hear Ludmila and Violetta singing happy birthday.

As Leon walked near them while they put it on the table Leon lowered Leo down when Grace walked up to her dad, and they helped him blow out his candles while hugging their dad.

Violetta: *Holding Leon's waist* Thank you all for coming, but the birthday boy needs to do a speech.

Guys: Speech, speech.

Leon: *Laughs* Okay, well, like Violetta said, thank you for coming, I will be getting Violetta when we go home where I told her I didn't want a party but she didn't listen to me, but I love her for doing this behind my back and I love you guys, and I guess you have heard that us boys have decided not to go on tour where we want to look to our futures so as soon as the album comes out the band All for you will no longer tour, but will probably make more music together just not as a band.  

Naty looked at Naty while Leon was talking and Naty was feeling awful about Felipe's incident where Ludmila walked up to her.

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