Chapter 29 ~ The memories I have will stay with me

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Ludmila ~

As I woke up to the doorbell, I woke Danny up, so he gets dressed ready for school, I tied my dressing gown up while walking towards the door when I opened it, I saw my dad.

Ludmila: Morning dad?

Ludmila's dad: Morning so where's my grandson?

Ludmila: He's just getting dressed, I'm about to make him breakfast would you like any?

Ludmila's dad: Sure, shall I call him down?

Ludmila: No, it's fine he be down once he's ready.

Ludmila's dad: So, what are your plans for today?

Ludmila: Well, I have a Youmix meeting and then I must get an outfit for one of my friend's weddings, and then start packing.

Ludmila's dad: Oh yeah, about that are you sure leaving is best for Danny where I think he's happy here with his dad and what about your friends Ludmila?

Ludmila: I don't know what's best right now all I know is that I need to be apart from Federico.

Ludmila's dad: But is that what you really want or are you just saying that because you're scared that your feelings for him will be too strong to control.

Ludmila: What are you getting at dad?

Ludmila's dad: What I'm saying is if you take off to South Africa then that means nobody will see Danny grow up not even Federico, you need to take some time to think about what you really want because I don't think leaving is the right idea.

Ludmila's dad: Have you told mom?

Ludmila's dad: No, and if I did, she would tell you the same thing.

Ludmila: Doubt it.

Ludmila's dad: What do you mean?

Ludmila: Dad you weren't here when I had Danny, she didn't want anything to do with me or Federico or Danny, so I doubt my leaving is going to change her mind.

Ludmila's dad: But your mom always wanted you to have a baby with Leon so why not with Federico?

Ludmila: Because she was more concerned about my career at Youmix and the studio, of course, she was up for me having kids with Leon, she adored him.

Ludmila's dad: What about Diego? Your best friend from when you were little hmm? I hear you and he hurt Violetta for selfish reasons and Leon came to the rescue then.

Ludmila: Leon is always the hero of the Story when it comes to Violetta it's just a shame, he wasn't a hero to me.

Ludmila's dad: What are you saying? That boy was good to you and his family, you went abroad with him on his private jet I bet Violetta never has.

Ludmila: I don't think she has, where she doesn't care about any of that stuff, she just loves Leon for who he is.

As Ludmila's dad was about to say something Danny came downstairs and run into his grandad's arms as they went for breakfast in the kitchen.

After they had some breakfast Ludmila's dad took Danny to school while Ludmila got ready for her Youmix meeting on the way to her meeting she walked in the park where she could hear Federico singing on the bench, she couldn't help but stare at him and remember the first time they fell for each other.

As she was staring at Federico in her own thoughts her dad came behind her snapping her out of her thoughts when she looked at her dad

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As she was staring at Federico in her own thoughts her dad came behind her snapping her out of her thoughts when she looked at her dad.

Ludmila's dad: I thought you had a Youmix meeting?

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Ludmila's dad: I thought you had a Youmix meeting?

Ludmila: I do, I was on my way but...

Dad: But you started thinking of Federico, right? Ludmila do you still have feelings for Federico?

Ludmila: Of course, I will always have feelings for Federico as he was important to me and we have Danny, I love him and always will, but this is where we go separate ways.

Ludmila's dad: Honey, you don't have to move away, look Danny will need his father one day and you can't lie to him by saying that his dad doesn't exist, and he won't remember him as he grows up if he's absent, will he?

Ludmila: Danny will always have his dad where we will move back it's just for now, I need space.

Ludmila's dad: This isn't about you anymore Ludmila as soon you and Federico had little Danny you grew up now which means everything you do affects Danny.

Ludmila looked at Federico playing the guitar and smiled she knew her dad was right this wasn't about them it was about Danny now.

A/N: ~
Thank you for reading.

Five months after... *Part 4* The finaleWhere stories live. Discover now