Chapter 20 ~ Celebrating Camila and Broduey's engagement *Part 1*

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Leon and Violetta went to their house after leaving Leon's parents' house since they let Leon's mom look after Grace and Leo while they went out to celebrate although Violetta and Leon thought of doing something else before getting ready, as they were cuddling in each other arms.

Violetta: Can you believe that Francesca and Diego are having another baby, and Camila and Broduey are getting married, everything is changing around us, Leo's 4 in 3 months and Grace is 7 in 2 months.

Leon: I know baby, we're all getting older and getting on with our lives, but we are together, and nothing is going to ruin that.

Violetta: But Leon you sacrificed the one thing you were good at, Leon you gave up a lot for our family and I don't want you thinking that I stopped you from your dreams as I told you when you made this decision Leon, I think you should either go back to Motocross or go back with the band.

Leon: *Strokes her hair* Baby, look at me, I don't regret anything I chose you over everything you know I would.

Violetta: *Leans her arm on him* But, Leon...

Leon: Baby, just don't let anything ruin this moment right now, because once we get dressed and go for this celebration there won't be a moment for us.

Violetta: I guess I'm scared Leon, that the more we grow the more we are missing opportunities in our lives or careers, like look at me I haven't given up on my singing, but I thought I would be on tour by now.

Leon: Babe, you still can go on tour, Me and the kids aren't going to hold you back from that, where you let me go on tour with the boys before we had Grace, but we could always come with you.

Violetta: Really?

Leon: Really, my love we're a family, whatever opportunity, or anything we stick together, but we better get up where we are going to be late for Broduey and Camila's celebration.

As Leon was about to stand up, Violetta kissed his lips passionately until Leon pulled away.

Leon: *Pulls away* Come on baby, otherwise the guys be wondering where we are.

When they got dressed, they made their way to the restraint where they were meeting the guys, as they walked into the restaurant, they saw everyone sitting down.

Violetta: *Sits down* Sorry, Leon took ages doing his hair, I didn't have time to get you a card, but I will get one I promise.

Camila: Thanks, Violetta, so glad you could come, *Angry with Broduey* Will you cheer up for God sake, this is our celebration, and you have a face like somebody who doesn't want this.

Broduey: *Whispers* Well, if you told me about Seba texting you again then maybe I wouldn't be upset.

Camila: *Shocked* What? How do you know Seba texts me?

Broduey: While you were in the shower your phone went off and I just managed to see what it was.

Camila: You looked at my messages?

Broduey: I was just looking.

Camila: Oh yeah and if I did that you would shout at me, I can't believe it.

Violetta: What's going on with you two?

Camila: Nothing, we are okay.

Francesca: Are you sure where you seem tense?

Camila: We are fine to let's just order.

Maxi: Dude, are you okay?

Broduey: I'm fine like Camila said let's just order.

After they ordered their drinks came as they were all talking amongst each other.

Diego: *Taps his glass* Well, I just like to do a speech, where we have all grown and changed each other and we have focused on our futures with our girlfriends, ex - girlfriends, wife to be, wives but also for Federico and Leon had to develop parenting which they've very well, may I just say and I'm becoming a father *Holds Francesca's hand* but Broduey and Camila you are beginning your life together like the rest of us are, so here's a toast to New beginnings and new lives.

Everyone: To New Beginners and new lives.

Leon: Who knew within those 5 months coming back off Tour, it would make us all have a future even though it wasn't easy coming back from Tour and accepting the fact that we were... *Gets interpreted by a fan*

Fan: *Screams* Ahhh, it's all for you, can I get your autographs and pictures?

Andres, Federico, Broduey, Maxi and Leon signed autographs for their fans and took photos with them making the girls a bit left out.

Fan 2: Are you boys ever going back on tour?

Federico: Not for a while.

Fan 3: How come?

Andres: We just wanted to have a...

Broduey: Have a break, just so Leon and Federico could look after their children, but we promise we will be back on you by the end of the year.

They all looked at Broduey, as the girls whispered to each other.

Fan 4: Did you hear that  All for you is going back on tour?

Leon: Oh no. *Puts his hand on his head* now I'm done for.

Federico: We are all done for.

As the fans left them, they sat back down, Leon and Federico took a sip of their drinks while Leon put his arm around Violetta's Chair.

Camila: Can't believe you would say that Broduey, so we married and then you go on Tour for another 5 months hmm?

Naty: This is ridiculous.

Maxi: Naty...

Naty: You know what I knew you would go back to that band no wonder you haven't planned our future well you know what I'm done Maxi because I don't want to be with someone who I don't have a future with.

Maxi: *Holds her hand* Naty stop...

Naty: *Stands up* Congratulations Broduey and Camila, I will see you soon. *Grabs her bag*

She left and Maxi closed his eyes as he only now got Naty back.

Broduey: I'm sorry bro.

Maxi: *Mad* Oh your sorry, you're the one who put us in this mess we agreed to dissolve the band for these kinds of reasons you go again thinking only about yourself once again.

Leon: Maxi calm down.

Maxi: Calm down, I've lost Naty again and I only now got us back on track but not as long as you lot a happy then don't worry about the rest of us, eh?

He got up and left as they looked around.

A/N: ~

Thank you for reading.


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