Chapter 16 ~ Violetta meets Leon at Motocross.

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Leon ~

When Diego and I were arguing over Violetta, and Francesca I never thought Diego would say those things he must be really been holding his peace all this time because he didn't hold back.

As I left, I called Violetta to meet me at motocross where I needed to talk to her about all of this, when we met, we were walking while talking.

Violetta: Well, how did it go with Diego?

Leon: I want you to be honest with me, can you do that?

Violetta: Aren't I always honest with you?

Leon: I don't know, Violetta, are you?

Violetta: What are you saying?

Leon: Did you give Francesca pills to help her get pregnant the same pills that you used when I was on tour?

Violetta: What kind of question is that?

Leon: A sensible one, where Francesca told Diego that you did.

Violetta: What?

We stopped walking and she faced me, as I was trying to understand.

Leon: Did you? Or is she lying?

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Leon: Did you? Or is she lying?

Violetta: Leon, I didn't give her anything, I got rid of them when you found out remember?

Leon: Yeah, but you could've replaced them.

Violetta: Unbelievable what are you accusing me of?

Leon: Just tell me the truth, I won't go mad I promise.

Violetta: You're acting like you don't know me, Leon, remember what happened last time when Diego got in our heads hmm?

Leon: Violetta, just tell me.

Violetta: I don't have to answer you, Leon, if you don't believe me then that's your problem.

She walked away from me, and as I was calling her back, she wasn't listening.

Leon: Violetta Maria Vargas, come back here.

As she kept walking away, I kicked the fence in anger, what is she hiding? Obviously, she's done something otherwise she wouldn't be kicking off like this, after some time I went to pick up the kids from Herman's as I thought I would get them some ice cream. 

Violetta was walking down the street when she saw Francesca and Camila walking up to her, she was so shocked that Leon would make such accusations towards her, but she was even more upset with Francesca blaming her.

Camila: Hey, Violetta, how did it go with Leon?

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Camila: Hey, Violetta, how did it go with Leon?

Violetta: Francesca, did you tell Diego that I gave you pills to make you pregnant?

Camila: What?

Francesca went silent as she knew she did.

Violetta: I can't believe you blamed me when I didn't you bought them yourself.

Francesca: How do you know?

Violetta: Because Diego told Leon and Leon just questioned me about it, he doesn't believe me.

Francesca: Oh, I'm so sorry Violetta.

Violetta: No, Francesca, I don't want your apologies, I shouldn't have to prove myself to my husband but thanks to you Diego has gotten into his head like last time.

Camila: Can someone tell me what's going on?

Violetta: Francesca will tell you where I must go home and explain to my husband that my best friend lied to her husband. 

Violetta left to go home when she walked through the door, she saw Leon sitting on the sofa watching tv but there was no sign of the kids.

Violetta: Where's Grace and Leo?

Leon: Uh, they are upstairs playing but I think it's going to end in tears.

Violetta: *Puts her bag down* I'm sorry, Leon.

Leon: Sorry for what? Walking away when we were in mid-conversation? Or sorry for not telling me the truth?

Violetta: Leon, I didn't give Francesca anything, she bought them herself, but do you know what I never thought I had to prove myself to you where you should believe me Leon, where I'm your wife. 

Leon: I want to I really do but last time I believed you it hurt me, Violetta I'm sorry but it's the truth and I don't think Diego and Francesca would make that up, where it doesn't seem possible that Francesca would make that up, she wouldn't say it if it wasn't true.

Violetta: Leon, Francesca is scared to tell Diego.

Leon: But he's her husband why would she be scared to talk to him hmm? You are never scared to tell me anything, Violetta.

Violetta: Well, I was scared to tell you about Grace when I visited you on tour because I feared your reaction just like Diego is giving to Francesca.

Leon: But that's different where they haven't long had a miscarriage that's all, and me and you, well I was on tour, and you found out you were pregnant after I went on tour.

Violetta: Look, I didn't give Francesca anything to help her get pregnant besides when she told me she was pregnant, I was surprised I wouldn't have been surprised if I knew I helped her would I?

Leon: You could just be acting to be surprised because you want to hide the fact that you a part of it.

Violetta: God, Leon, next you'll be saying if I helped Angie get pregnant.

Leon: Did you?

Violetta: No, for God sake what do you take me for a dealer I would never do that since I have kids to think about.

Leon: Okay, I believe you.

Violetta: I love you, Leon.

Leon: I love you too, baby.

They kissed for a while, and as they pulled away, they heard two footsteps coming downstairs, Violetta was still holding onto Leon's neck as she turned to see her children walking downstairs.

Violetta: Hey, you two what can we do for you?

Grace: What's for dinner?

Violetta: Hmm, I don't know, any ideas daddy?

Leon: Hmm, what if we go out for food?

Violetta: But you must be on your best behaviour, go put your shoes on and we will go.

Leon: *Puts his arm on the sofa* Do you know what, if we're going eat this much crap, we could've employed Olga to be our cook instead of your dad.

Violetta: Well, we could always start cooking together.

Leon: Do you know what, I think going out for food is better. *Gets up*

Violetta: Leon!!! *Hits him playfully*

They put their jackets in as Leon and Violetta zipped up Grace and Leo's coats while Leon grabbed his car keys, and they belted in the kids and made their way to the restaurant. 

A/N: ~

Thank you for reading.


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