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sorry it took me almost two weeks just to supply you guys with a filler chapter.. life's been a bitch recently, which has just been making it hard for me to find the time and motivation to sit down and write. i hope you guys like the chapter, though! :)


Travis buttons the last button on his white button-up. It was Sunday, so of course, he was dressed in church apparel. White button-up, khaki pants, nice black dress shoes, golden cross necklace. He wore the cross everyday after he'd found it in the few belongings his mother had left behind.

A knock at his bedroom door made him jump. It was a knock Travis knew far too well, loud and aggressive and filled with anger. The knock of none other than Kenneth Phelps.

"It's time to go. We need to get there early, there are new members to the church, the Fishers. A man and his daughter. She seems like she'd be a good influence on you, so you need to meet her, and you two need to get along, so don't say anything about her face, got it?" Kenneth asks, words muffled by Travis' closed bedroom door. Travis nods, though Kenneth can't see him, before realizing his mistake and clearing his throat to respond.

"Yes, sir. I'll be out in a minute." Kenneth grunts in recognition to Travis' words and leaves, luckily not causing a fuss about anything this morning. He must be in good spirits due to the new people to the church. Kenneth loves when new people join the church, or when new people accept God into their lives. It always puts him in a good mood, which, in turn, puts Travis in a slightly better mood, because it usually means he gets by with a easier punishment, or sometimes no punishment at all, if Kenneth's in a really good mood.

Travis clears his throat again, pushing a stray strand of hair out of his face. He opens his bedroom door and descends the stairs, where Kenneth and Deborah are already waiting-patiently, for once-for him.

The three walk to church, as the church is only a five minute walk from their home. Upon entering, Kenneth leads Travis and Deborah over to a blue haired man accompanied by a blue haired girl. The man, quickly introduced to Travis as Henry Fisher, is clad in a black button up, black dress pants, and black dress shoes. He reeks of alcohol and cat piss, his hair isn't too well maintained, and he has a very noticeable 5 o'clock shadow, but Kenneth, despite all that, seems to think very highly of him, and he shows it.

Travis doesn't quite understand why until Henry mentions they were best friends in high school, grown apart by life, but brought together when Henry decided to move back to Nockfell after the depressing death of his wife.

The girl, introduced to Travis as Sarah Fisher, but showing quite obvious sadness to the use of her name, for some reason, is probably the oddest looking person the blonde's ever seen. Clad in a yellow turtle-necked dress that falls to just about her ankles, a pair of dirty blue sneakers, drawn on and taped together with blue duct-tape, it's as though she doesn't know what is and isn't appropriate to wear, especially to church. She, unlike Henry, smells like oranges and vanilla, although there is a bit of a sprinkling of cat piss in there, too. Her hair's tied in long, fluffy blue pigtails, but the oddest part of her whole ensemble is that she's wearing a mask, most of it colored an off-white color, but a bit of it around her right eye colored a pepto-bismol pink color.

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