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Travis felt like he couldn't breathe. After seeing the news, that the two had been reported as missing, he felt like he was suffocating. He didn't know what to do. Was there anything he could do? He didn't think there was. No matter what the two did, their faces were plastered on every TV screen across the US right now. Probably on every corkboard in every business, too. On every light pole. They were everywhere. Stepping foot outside of the motel room would end in them being taken to the police.

Their freedom was over, and it had barely even just begun. They couldn't even disguise themselves. Travis could, but Sal's looks were too unique. His prosthetic gave him away, and Travis knew there was no way in hell Sal would walk around without it. Even if he did, his face was still unique. Not many teenagers looked like their face had been blown to bits.

Maybe that's why Sal had been gone for so long. Maybe he went out to the store or something, even though the two definitely didn't have money for that, and someone had seen him. Maybe he'd been taken to the police. But that wouldn't make any sense, surely if he'd been taken by the police then by now they'd have come to get Travis, too. Surely Sal wouldn't just abandon Travis here.

Travis grabbed the TV remote, hurriedly turning it off as the news story moved on from the two, going on to some fire that happened in bum fuck nowhere California. He couldn't focus on the TV even if he tried, now. Before, his fears were just that. Fears. Anxiety eating him up inside. Now, it was real. They had really been reported as missing. Travis knew most people gave up on missing people after about a week or so, not many people survived after being missing for longer than just a few days. But Travis didn't know if that would be the case for him and Sal.

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