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Travis is shaken awake by a very tired looking Sal as the bus comes to a stop. He groans, opening his eyes slowly and looking around. At first he's disoriented and confused, already completely forgotten the night's events, and is thrust into a very short panic attack until he remembers everything that'd happened a few hours previous.

People begin filing out of the relatively empty bus, standing from their seats to grab their things and file out of the vehicle. Travis, once he's gotten his barings, turns to face Sal with a groggy smile.

"Where are we?" He asks first, though he has a lot of questions. He's starting to second guess this split second decision to run away. This wasn't such a good idea- He's sure their faces are displayed all over the news by now. Or Sal's is, at least. Travis knows Kenneth doesn't have the courage to report his son missing and get mixed up in police so soon after he'd gotten taken to the station and gotten questioned about child abuse.

"Chicago." Sal murmurs, his voice distant. It seemed like he was tired too, probably overwhelmed with everything and he most likely hadn't gotten any sleep the night before. He also seemed to be holding off a panic attack of his own, now with the reality of everything setting in since the adrenaline of running away had dissipated.

Travis took a deep breath, eyes catching on the final person to leave the bus. He and Sal were the only two left, and it was clear they'd overstayed their welcome, based off the angry face of the tired bus driver.

"Here," Travis slowly stands, taking Sal's hand and pulling him to stand as well. They could finish talking once they were off the bus, but for the moment Travis just wanted to get out of the bus so he didn't get yelled at. He didn't think either him nor Sal were in the right headspace for that at the moment.

Sal hardly resisted as he was pulled to stand, staring blankly at Travis, as though he was waiting for directions. Travis grabs their backpack from the rack above the seats, slinging it over his shoulder though it irritates the healing burns and makes him grimace, then he leads Sal out of the bus, making a point to mutter a quick thank you to the bus driver on the way out. That, combined with the clearly shaken mannerisms of both of the teens, seems to soften the man's face just a bit, and extinguish his anger a bit as well.

Once out of the bus, the two make their way through the bus station, with Sal gripping Travis' hand tightly the whole way through. His typical confident demeanor has melted by this point, now replaced with a tired, anxious Sal.

Travis and Sal walk for a few minutes, soon finding a relatively empty cafe and entering it. They don't have much money, so Travis figures they'll probably have to share a bagel and a coffee or something, but he knew he didn't mind eating after Sal-Or just not eating at all-And he was sure Sal wouldn't mind having to share, either.

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