parting words

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and there it is. the ending. i have so many things i want to say about this fic, but no idea how i want to say them. i guess i should first start with the thing that bothers me most about this fic. i'm sorry it took me so long to finish it. when i started it two years ago, right after i finished freaks, i had every intention to finish it just as quickly as i had finished freaks. but life doesn't work so easily, and plans don't always end up going right. my life got turned upside down not long after i started this fic. i won't go too into detail, but as a result, my motivation was very low, and i fell into a depression. i lost interest in this fic, in sally face altogether.

i'm now trying to pull myself together, and in doing so i must tie up my lose ends. i will finish all my fics i started during that upside-down period of time, but it will take me some time. this one is finished, and i must now move on to the others, that have been on hiatus for far too long.

my next thing is- i understand if you do not like the ending of this fic. if you'd rather ignore how i ended it off, that is fine by me. honestly, the ending was quite uncharacteristic of me- i do not tend to end a fic of one ship with hints towards another one. however, this ending called to me more than any other possibilities. i understand that ship is not a very popular one, which is why i stuck with subtle hinting and did not go into detail. please remember, with this ending, travis has not moved on instantly. it will be a long time before he moves on. this ending was more so to say that things were clicking into place for him.

if you have any questions for me, please ask them here.

i already have a plan for another salvis fic, if you're interested. that one will have a happy ending, i promise.

thank you for following me through this. i'm unsure if anyone that was here when i posted the first part is still here, reading this. regardless of whether you're a first fan or a new fan of my works, i'm eternally grateful for you. i've gotten so far, and i wouldn't have if you guys weren't here.

if you or someone you know is suffering from any of the things spoken about in this fic, i've made a rentry with resources. my dms are always open as well. i can't do much other than be a listening ear, but sometimes all you need is to be listened to.

stay safe. i appreciate all of you individually. you can ever reach out if you'd like. i hoped you liked this fic, and i hope you like what i have coming next.

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