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Travis fumbled with his tie, biting his lip hard. He didn't know how to tie a tie.. He was so stupid.. He was gonna be late for Sal's funeral. His eyes teared up, but he didn't dare let them fall. He was not going to cry over a stupid fucking tie. No, absolutely not.

Travis had no need to ever tie a tie before now, so here he was, fumbling awkwardly with one as his hands shook. He didn't want to ask Larry, he didn't even know if Larry knew how. If he did, Travis was too afraid of all the possible reactions. Would Larry be understanding, or would he laugh and make fun? Travis was sure he would be understanding, but he didn't have the mental energy to risk being made fun of. Any little thing would make him break down in tears today, as proven by the pesky tie.

His head pounded and he grimaced. Today was already so miserable, and it was just going to get worse as the day went on. During the funeral would be the height of miserable-ness, and after Travis was just going to be depressed. Travis groaned, squeezing his eyes shut in frustration.

It wasn't long before Larry was knocking on the door. Travis grimaced, but he knew it had been coming. He'd been in the bathroom for a while, and if they didn't leave soon they were going to be late. He needed to get a move on.. But he couldn't if he didn't figure out how to die this damn tie. He said nothing in response to Larry's knock, hoping Larry would just take the hint and walk off.

Of course he didn't, though. He knocked again, this time a little more aggressively. Travis flinched, but he knew Larry wasn't angry. Maybe just worried, if anything. Larry clearly cared about Travis, even after all this time of hate between them. It was only understandable that he would be worried about Travis after so much silence and time locked in the bathroom. Suits were hard to get into, and ties were time-consuming, but at this point Travis had been shut in for so long that it became concerning.

Travis just hummed in response to the second knock, finally tying the tie. He smiled triumphantly, just about to unlock the door.. Right when the tie fell out of the janky knot and right back into the place it had been before. Travis groaned again, louder than the last. Despite himself, he opened the door to allow Larry to take in the situation.

He was surprised to see Larry dressed up. Well, he wasn't that surprised, of course. He knew Larry was going to be wearing a suit like his. They were matching, ties and all- The two had been pink, as it was Sal's favorite color. But what Travis wasn't expecting was to see Larry's normally greasy hair for once cleaned and tied up into a bun. Travis himself had taken extra care with washing his hair last night, wanting to look his best for the occasion.

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